Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – July 14th to July 21st, 2024

Hello Everyone!
If given a choice, you would opt for the latter if deciding upon an “Inferior or Superior” state of personal consciousness. A SUPERIOR human being KNOWS who they are, where they come from, what they are here to do in life and why. If you notice the Energy Shifts that have been breaking away the weak “shale like” coverings from you lately, underneath you have been discovering a more superior state of yourself. Will this week’s ENERGY SHIFT moderately or intensely transfix your conscious realization of Self? That depends on just where you are currently at. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
Stop and Be Amazed. If you do not STOP and SIT in stillness and Oneness with Divine…how will you come to know yourself? You cannot look “out there” in the world to be amazed, but what you CAN DO is look “inside” and be lifted into a state of pure BLISS and JOY, as you realize that you are not at all what you thought. Look for SELF REALIZATIONS this week!!
Be sure to spend time in STILLNESS this week. Sit quietly for a few minutes with your left hand on your heart with your eyes closed. Just breathe deeply and quietly and allow a beautiful vision of an IMAGE or SYMBOL to come to your mind. Whatever comes to your thoughts or imagination first…let that be perfect for you. Try it now…..you will be receiving a CONNECTION to your SOUL. That symbol will build in its depth of meaning and act as a catalyst for change.
This is only just the beginning. As you walk forward this week experiencing the NODAL CROSSINGS and TRANSITION POINTS upon your life path as you interact with other people, places and have new experiences, you will observe a RE-SHAPING OF YOUR FUTURE. Acknowledge this.
Be Consistent and Persistent. Now is not the time to take your foot off the accelerator. Keep it on and continue to be in your Divine Alignment daily with consistent practice of breathing and meditation.
This is Really Happening. This new step in your life is a very SERIOUS turn of EVENTS and upon your acceptance, you will no longer live in the old paradigm. Press ON. Keep the blinders on and allow the POWERS of your Own SOUL to guide you across this busy highway. Consider the ENERGY SHIFT this WEEK to be a game changer.
We have been TRANSITIONING. Yes….since Summer Solstice June 20th and the last full moon which was in Capricorn on June 21st, you have been living with one foot in the old mindset and one in the new paradigm as the SYSTEMS of your MIND reawaken you. Now you can begin the incredible process of powerfully locking into a new position. You will note that a 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn pops in July 21st…just one month later. What have you been transiting through since June 21st?
Hold to the Pace. A new level of Energy Vibration is being achieved and it requires a bit of practice to get used to the new pace of your life activities. There will be moments of TIME leaps. Those rather odd experiences, when you are aware of higher levels of your own Consciousness being your REALITY and the old world just “gone”. The old world is not impacting you like it use to. You are very aware of it as you LIVE in the world but you are not of it. That’s not the world of consciousness you live in anymore. You will no longer be locked down into that inferior state of mind consciousness; instead rising to a much more superior one.
Your Old Attachments are Dropping Off. The reactions and attachments are leaving you as you are no longer triggered by certain personal patterns anymore. What is happening in the world around you is becoming rather insignificant relative to that which is becoming much more IMPORTANT and LONG LASTING to you. You, however, will be very IMPACTFUL upon the inferior consciousness of the world as it needs you to help it to evolve as well.
Surprises are Nice! You will be very pleased with how certain Paths in your life are unfolding. Magic? No…Universal Laws. Be a PART of the SUPERIOR level of your Conscious awareness now. Let the EXPANSIVE awareness of Self begin!
Material Externalization? No…not just yet. Your projects and initiatives are going to be more tangible soon though. Hang in there. Best time for the materialization with GOOD GROUNDING will begin very late August, build, build, build, then launch new projects in Autumn (after September 21st). We are just in the early cycle of SUMMER, so best to organize INSIDE your MIND and DRAFT the CONSTRUCT right now.
Can you go out and Play Now? Ha Ha !! Yes of course! Enjoy these hot summer days and get out by the water or into Nature and fill your cup of happiness. After all…we are in a human body and this Earth is so beautiful !! Thank you Mother Nature!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
Enjoy the week ahead!
Wow….just pure truth. Everything you wrote I can relate with. At times it felt extremely surreal, yet utterly divine, and the balance comes so naturally. Life is fun again, and the meaning is so clear and potent which directs the balance.
Thank you
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3