Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – August 19th to August 25th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Amplified and Intense Energy Shift this week! A Super Blue MOON..very FULL and impactful in Aquarius, plus a powerhouse influence from Saturn, kicks off our Energy Shift this week with a BLAST! Your MIND is in double-double time, while you are gearing up with accelerated FOCUS, Strength of MIND and capability to create what is designed and assigned to you! Let’s reflect on this momentous time together…shall we?
Starting today you will feel the full moon in your Solar Plexus Energy centre which causes you to experience the swing of the pendulum between PURE THINKING INTELLECT and INTUITIVE KNOWING with a mixture of excitement and emotional overflow. You will need to harness and handle all that energy with your focused MIND. Stay grounded and do your deep breathing….get out in Nature and go to bed early because the Higher Mental activity can cause you to wake up in the night with ideas and inspirations.
LEO and AQUARIUS are waving at each other across the Wheel of the Zodiac and are in full agreement in helping you to align your HEART, MIND, and BODY with SOUL this week. The added bonus of Saturn influence, lifts you up into the Karmic Rules of Law that you are to follow. The governing power of ORDER and your need to have order in your life right underfoot is very important. You NEED ORDER in your own schedule, home and profession….facilitating a healthy foundation to support your DESIRE to co-create your DESTINY. ….and that’s just for starters!
Why would you want ORDER and RULES this week? Because you want to get things done that are in alignment with YOU; not the distracting, mediocre activities that add little to life. You wish to move ahead with this type of WAVE of ENERGY from the COSMIC and ride it like a surfboard. You want your personal MASTERSHIP and will be pleased to know that all sorts of helpful tools and techniques are being placed right in front of you! Use them…definitely use your personal skills right now and TRUST.
Look out! Here comes the VIRGO influence starting approximately August 22nd, 2024 this week! If nothing else, Virgo will step in and start to DIRECT you to have ORDER in your house with a Creative Motherly twist and Loving Hand!
THIS WEEK YOU WILL BE STEPPING ON YOUR OWN GOLDEN STONE ON YOUR PATH. Your Destiny is not by chance; but by Divine Order. It starts with the Governing Power of your MIND; not an apparition. In simple terms…the illusion of the world you see out there is not going to spark the change that you are entering. It will come from your INNER Higher Divine MIND. That which you seek is “within you”. Meditate on that. You may need to read that a few times to let it sink in. Many people run “hither and yon” looking for the answers that are right here and now present…just on a higher channel that you will need to lift up into through your quiet reflection and meditation.
What to look out for:
Let’s focus our attention on the AQUARIUS Constellation influence for a moment in order to put this week’s ENERGY shifts into some practical application:
- Reminder that your PAST has given you many experiences stored as Wisdom (which Saturn will gladly help you to review and analyze) so that you will make better choices this week.
- You will find yourself wanting to spend TIME (Saturn influence again) developing FUTURE plans and goals. Some of this time will be spent alone; and some with others of LIKE MIND.
- Your VISIONS this week will be amazing…let your ideas, seed thoughts, and full colour Images in your Mind come forward and make note of them. Don’t let them slip away…they are profound clues and in many cases full descriptions of what is to come. This will be stepped down from MIND; not an external finding.
- You will find yourself THINKING BIG; beyond the old paradigm and into a whole new world of stabilized Higher Intelligence. This is purposeful and you are realizing that there are no false beliefs in this higher realm…just pure MIND enjoying focused creativity…through LOVE.
- Finally, please note the FEAR-LESS attitude you will have. You are being lifted up this week BEYOND that old paradigm of false beliefs and limitations. Keep in mind that you inherited many false belief patterns from your family and throughout your own history of many, many lifetimes.
- As you RISE UP in Higher consciousness…the old darkness, illusions, ugly old thoughts and memories WILL come up for RELEASE. These are the fragments of the old paradigm both within yourself and your old entanglements. An ORDERLY Spiritual Program and Healing Practice will help you to resolve this.
- …and finally…..finally….your body’s NERVE system deserves to have some nurturing and healing. Be sure to honour that because a Super Blue Full MOON like this one in Aquarius will cause HIGHER ENERGY CIRCUITRY in your body systems. A nervous system overload and adrenal CRASH is not welcome here! This can be avoided by REST PERIODS…especially for women who tend to go past the line drawn in the sand where the boundaries are set.
This is yet another amazing ENERGY SHIFT this week!
Enjoy and May the Many Blessings of the week ahead delight you!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)