Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – October 27th to November 3rd, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Let’s get right to the point: If you are feeling a bit lost these days, unable to embody your Soul mandate or having disconnect issues, then pay close attention to the New MOON in SCORPIO Constellation “vis a vis” the Super Power Cosmic Forces this week. These FORCES will help you to get a handle on things. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
You may feel the energy disconnect primarily in your pelvic floor, hips, and legs, reproductive system (emotional connections to others) and ability to receive energy support from others. This disconnect causes your thoughts to wander, skimming along the surface daily to just get chores done, as well as jumping from one task to the next without DEPTH. Not good.
SCORPIO is purposefully directing your attention to your Emotions, Self Identity, ability to navigate your life and get into the FLOW!
The Energy Shift this week is here to help you tremendously…or just a little bit…depending upon how much attention you wish to pay to the incoming Cosmic flow of the Forces of Creation.
As you are reading this, take your conscious awareness to your lower abdomen area and compare the 2 sides. Start with the lower RIGHT quadrant, and analyze the amount of power you feel coming down through this lower region both front and back from the lumbar/sacrum. Determine how it feels in the energy flow down into the right hip and down the right leg to foot. Then do the same for the LEFT side. Starting at the lower left quadrant (front and the back lumbar/sacrum area), analyzing the amount of power of energy you feel flowing down into the left hip and left leg to foot.
Do you notice a difference? Is one side stronger than the other? If they are equal then you are to use that POWER to bring the ENERGY up the spine (front and back) into the higher Energy centres with a goal of reaching the forehead and Crown through your meditative or Yoga practices. If there is a difference you will need to do some Energy Healing work to balance them out. (I’ll leave a free guided healing meditation link below for you to try).
“Why all the attention this week on this area?” We are in SCORPIO and this Constellation governs the reproductive system and helps you to guide Energy towards a more reflective use, and focused use, of your Mind.
It is essential to your success in life to have Mastership over your body and emotions, especially now, because otherwise you get swept along the “river of sorrow and suffering”, as our Worthy Masters of the Buddhism tradition tell us. All the Universal Spiritual Teachings which have roots in the Ancient Traditions, speak to Self Mastership.
The mass consciousness is quite unsettled right now, and so each one of you needs to keep a Wise Eye on your own Energy field and connection between the levels of your Auric field. Your MIND must govern and rule over these lower connections to your physical body through LOVE, so that you can be healthy and live with purpose.
When lost, confused or overwhelmed, you feel like you are being tossed around “like a cork bobbing on the waves” of the ocean waters. You will find that this week you can further your integration to Power and your Soul’s Light with greater ease, when you just lean into the SHIFT happening and the SUPPORT from the POWERFUL CONSTELLATION ENERY, that is there to help you!
It will not take much for you to harness the power, now that you are aware. You will start to feel more energy at the back of your HEART centre, as the Will of the Soul will be guiding you with more clarity of your life purpose each and every day.
This is a very good week to step up your Spiritual Practice of a greater embodiment of your Higher Self. Begin to dismiss the distractions more and more. You have an important Soul mandate and it starts by you knowing YOURSELF.
Get your VIBRATION UP this week and shake off the intrusive energy that is of a lower nature that you find yourself bumping into. Mastership brings you STRENGTH of MIND. Scorpio is a GENIUS Master Teacher for you, when it comes to Mind! Let’s pay attention to what this Constellation offers this week!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
Free Guided Healing Meditation: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-195741829/connecting-soul-light-to-body
Enjoy the week ahead!