Weekly Spiritual Energy Shifts & Updates – Feb 16th to Feb 23rd, 2025

Portrait of a beautiful young woman in red coat on the background of blue sky

Hi Everyone!

Are you ready? You are likely feeling as if you are standing at the edge of a precipice having reached a place in your life where you are firmly decisive that you will never go backwards again. GOOD! So now what? Well let’s look at the choices: there is the “valley” below of the old you that covers the recent and distant past, or you can stand where you are and move forward at slower increments with the mass consciousness pace, or you can use your inner power to materialize the next landing place that locks you into the Spring 2025 cycle. The choice you make seems obvious, right? Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?

As we are starting to wrap up the Aquarius influence this week, you have likely jotted down at least one or two “surges of creative ideas” over the past month, right? Now all these inspirations from the Cosmic that you have downloaded need to have a healthy container so that you can line up with the Spring seed planting season.

Analogy: Many gardeners and farmers plant seeds directly into the ground when the earth soil is ready to receive them in early spring. But there are those enthusiasts like yourself; entrepreneurs at heart, that like to start their seedlings indoors in a greenhouse or in your own sunny spot in your house. This is a good time for you forward thinking creators to get those indoor seedlings started, if you haven’t already.

The Energy shift for the week ahead as we move into Pisces, communicates that you need to be very certain about just what seeds you are planting into the new yearly wheel cycle of 2025/2026, that begins March 20th, 2025 in Aries and takes root VERY quickly in April, 2025.

Right now is the best time for you to do healing and self reflection, as you are going to be analyzing and reflecting on the entire last astrological wheel time from Spring 2024 to March 20th, 2025. This week we are entering the influence of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius in the cosmological sense, and these forces are compelling you to act on embodying your most truest heart centred alignment. You want to live a life that is morally and ethically beautiful in your own heart and one that is aligned with your Soul purpose and mandate.

You are taking a stand for that which is in the best interest of both yourself and for the Greater Good, so you find yourself now needing to clear up your own table of unresolved issues. We can’t go on to the next course of a meal if we still have dirty dishes sitting in front of us from the last one! Ugh!

Relative to the wrap up of the 2024/2025 Astrological Wheel, you are standing the end of the first precipice (while in Pisces until Spring) and before you can jump over to the next level, you are standing there, reflecting on the best choices on just WHAT it is you are bringing over to the next precipice and new cycle 2025/2026.

Starting now and over the next few weeks, engage in healing your emotional blockages and suffering that is tied into the old belief patterns you have been living, that are no longer in your wheel house. Engage in some deeper moments of inner reflection. This year end wrap up cycle is an incredibly deep time of transformation.

Let’s not rush into the Spring with flailing arms and legs, but instead make practical use of your tools to get closer to your inner Divine. Pursuing healing, meditation, clarity, focus, making adjustments, building inner strength and applying good reasoning will be the best use of your time. You need to build that alignment to your Soul and to the Cosmic guidance of Mind.

The Energy of Pisces starting this week, provides many self realizations as you are called to dive deeper into your true existence. Your Soul has been reconfiguring your Energy Bodies and has pushed you into this new story of yours, so you will want to absorb the most insight that you can from this new paradigm experience you find yourself engaging in.

What IS the true story of my life?

Reflecting and healing time, choosing the seed thoughts you wish to plant in your life that you received from the Cosmic, or still awaiting the new seed thoughts from your Soul and Universal guidance, are all part of this transitional period of time. Through healing and reflection you will find your true story. Alignment to your Heart, Mind and Soul will bring you what you need.

Take the next step into gentle healing and focus on your container this week. Many of you will be looking around at your personal space environment, looking at your body health, or jotting down reflections on how you are feeling about your life right now. This is an opportunistic time to open up and wrap up generational dysfunctions, as well as those annoying repeating patterns that you would like to end. Embrace the healing time!

The next cycle is not too far off….it begins actually March 20, 2025 at Equinox. So when I ask you, “Are you ready?” I am referring to your state of self realization, confidence, understanding and knowing, of just what you need to get the most out of the official New Year that starts March 20th. I think that the answer that most of you will give is “No, I am not quite ready”. That is an honest answer and true to form, given today’s date. But what you DO know, is that you are determined to get ready!

So to get ready, take your practice down into the deeper levels of your connection to the Universal Divine. Deeper connection = greater inner enlightenment. Making the choice and commitment to do this as we enter into Pisces this week, will cause all sorts of healthy physical and spiritual reconfigurations in your life. Expect change.

Many of you have plenty of IDEAS already tumbling down from the Cosmic like star droplets of Light! But your CONTAINER needs stronger sides and ground to hold them still. It will happen. Have faith in yourself as you build up the LIGHT within and RAISE your VIBRATION through your practice by using the spiritual tools and techniques that bring out the most precious reintegrative experiences.

Enjoy the week ahead!

(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates does not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)

P.S. In light of the Energy shift we are in, I am pleased to share Energy Healing tools and practices to access the Super Mind at the exclusive Spirituelle Membership for women each month. Join in: https://www.spirituellesociety.com/membership

Also, Feb 17th marks the beginning of an in-depth live Zoom course (or recorded) with Ho SHIN Reiki Energy for healing and connection to the 12 Universal Laws/12 Zodiac reintegrative process for Personal Self Development. If you resonate with Energy Healing…the Inner Temple welcomes you! https://kathyroseborough.com/product/ho-shin-reiki-teachings-from-the-centre-of-the-astrological-wheel-of-life/

In Light and in Peace,



  1. Lauren on February 17, 2025 at 7:59 pm

    Thank you so much for this. I love how profoundly true this is to read and then apply.

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