Weekly Energy Forecasts – April 9th to April 16th, 2023
Hi Everyone!
The recent full moon and Sacred Cosmic forces over the last few days has been literally pushing on you and seemingly “carving and molding” you into a new alignment…..and it is still going strong. Why? Because you need to be “SQUEEZED and SHAPED” and SET into position and you will feel this in your physical body too. Many will find this pressure for example in your head, sinuses, jaw, shoulders, heart and knees as well. What’s going on? Let’s look at this together… shall we?
Since the full moon and starting your week ahead, all around the Globe, people are engaging in the devotional energies of Spirit and the Christ Consciousness. It does not matter what faith you practice, the Office of the Christ Consciousness of Universal Divine LOVE is emphasized during this Cosmic cycle. This happens over a series of waves of powerful interactions that continue into May and June to summer solstice, as the 3-POINT triad SETTERS are put into place. The TRIANGULAR forces and focus of Will, Mind and Love are what you are being reintegrated with.
You are in the midst of building your future and you must take this very seriously and stay aligned. What a beautiful opportunity to set your life on the right course.
This is an extensive subject so we will just start with LOVE. Let’s start with the NOW. LOVE. Pure and Simple. You are flowing into the Oneness with Divine Love. What do you need?
This cleansing time, purging, releasing and engaging cycle is helping you to move up into a more abundant and comforting relationship with the Universal Divine through Love.
You feel the need to be cleansed, to be forgiven, to be assured and held closely by the sublime Energy of Love. It feels very good to be in this Light and flow….doesn’t it?
Take a deep breath and settle into the “WAVES” of such Love and comfort. You will be fine. You may wonder if you can handle all these changes and yes…you can.
The best way to manage the week ahead as we are lifted up to ride this wave and engage it is “Let go of the control and suffering and stress you worry about” and instead take the Love energy into all your energy centres and breathe.
There are forces more powerful than you can imagine helping you to settle into a new footing. Remember it is in the best interest of All; in the entire Universe…. that you do well.
The Blessings are amplified in order for you to succeed.
Sit quietly during this Sacred time, Say your prayers, meditate, ask for help and guidance. Strength, encouragement and direction is available to you.
Reminder that you are doing the most powerful integrative work through March 20th, 2023 to June 21st, 2023 Spirit has guided us. Stay focused. This is setting up your next 7 years and is also opening up 3 major Paths for the rest of your life journey.
By the way…..April 24th and 25th are good dates to announce, launch or begin your heartfelt Soul projects. The energy will really shift in the right direction as you choose to stay in alignment with your inner Self. More on that as we get closer.
Enjoy the week ahead….