Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – Dec. 26th to Dec. 31st. 2022
Hi Everyone!
So now what? The Solstice and New Moon are behind you, the presents and festivities done….so how should you end the year 2022? Let’s look at this together…shall we?
It’s been quite the year! You will be your own best Judge of it all. Make a list of your accomplishments and then make a list of those things that still need work. Include your Health practices, Spiritual Practices, Business of running your professional and personal finances, household rules, Personal Disciplines…that sort of thing. Do a solid review to-date!
How has your Heart shifted over the past year? What about your Mind and how you think?
The next quarter from Solstice, December 21st, 2022 to Equinox March 20th, 2023 is primarily a reflective and personally integrative time. You will be preparing to have yet another BIRTH in the Spring 2023 where all sorts of very PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL events occur. The Equinox Shift is always a change and BUILDING time. More on that in future blogs.
For now…this week should see you spending personal time in deep thought and a DEEPENING ENGAGEMENT with the Sacred Connection to the Divine One…the Universal All.
You were given plenty of insights over the last several weeks especially right at Solstice….now it is time to follow up on them. Keep the PROMISES you made both to yourself, others and of course….the Cosmic; through The God of your Heart.
1. Deep breath now….you must change your ways from the past.
2. Resolve to spend daily time with meditative practices and breathing properly.
3. Know that a VERY POSITIVE re-set and re-birth occurred during Solstice so use the GIFTS now wisely.
4. Do not hesitate to take action on growing closer to Cosmic Wisdom. Choose to study your reason for being born….your incredible skills and attributes.
5. Reflect on the meaning of your existence and why the Universe invested so much into you!
6. The Solstice placed you at the STARTING LINE of a NEW LEVEL of Consciousness and Spiritual freshness within….embrace that.
7. Appreciate the Beauty of your Life….there is so much to be gained as you integrate the Spiritual Life with your physical daily affairs of living.
Do some re-organization this week to set yourself off in your New Direction. Create ORDER out of what you may have described before as unsettled confusion… or uncertainty in your life pre-Solstice.
I’m sure the you will wake up each day hearing the echoing messages inside your MIND from the Deeper, Greater Divine Mind of Source and be very pleased with what you hear. The Personal Guidance you receive from your journalling and meditations will help you considerably. Practice!
Cosmic Blessings for the Week ahead !