Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates Nov. 14th to Nov. 20th, 2022

Nov 14, 2022

Hi Everyone!

The function of your physical body health and well being has to keep up with the VIBRATIONAL energy changes of your Spiritual path routines. Many are finding their hearts are racing, their thoughts are constantly in the “ON” position with ideas and in search of answers, plus emotions are very sensitive and less tolerable to others these days. What’s going on? Let’s reflect on this together…shall we?

If you are finding yourself having a teeter-totter of “good days-bad days” then it’s time to have a look at yourself deeper. The best way to live your life would be in BALANCE. These extremes are hard on the physical body; especially the nerves, immune system and the heart function.

There has been an explosion of Energy releases taking place in you for some time now PLUS you have been aware of the shifts of your consciousness due to the epiphany experiences you have been having. Whether dream state, ceremony, or in meditation, many of you are bursting with ideas, having visions and gaining greater clarity on your life. However….there has to be an INTEGRATIVE process for all these shifts…not just clarity in the moment.

The Chakra Centres or Energy Centres that act as a lens between the planes of consciousness, are speeding up in their SPIN, dislodging the murky disharmonious feelings and beliefs, and expanding. This has been happening because you have been more and more aware of yourself as an ENERGY BEING. What about your physical body?

Your physical body is taking the brunt of all these ENERGY SHIFTS and requires care as well on many levels. You are purging the system in your efforts to eat and drink in a more healthy manner, take in more vitality with breathing, and adding programs that give your body flexibility and strength. That is good!

However….please note that it’s not just the ACTIVE (+) routine changes that are necessary but also the PASSIVE (-) ones. You need time to breathe and relax PLUS time to consciously govern and direct the Energy you are taking in from the Universal changes. You also need to manage the onslaught of energy that is happening around you at work, home, in the gym, or other public places….especially during the holidays.

Do you get overwhelmed? Find yourself feeling off, dizzy, sick or fatigued?

The physical body needs to have physical strength and hearty constitution….yes. But it also needs YOU as the ‘MASTER OF THE PHYSICAL BODY”….to manage the Energy interactions between the planes of consciousness.

Now reflect on that for a moment. You are to be aware of your ENERGY BODIES and to ensure that there is a balanced interaction with the PHYSICAL.

Ensure that you have proper training in the practice of Energy Integration. Learn how to not only manage your energy daily…but how to access your Higher planes of Energy consciousness and incorporate them into your life in a balanced manner.

Spiritual work often gets a “bad name” out there because people who practice incorrectly are not seen as being BALANCED. Yes…you have 2 hemispheres of your brain and yes…you have 2 arms, 2 hands, etc…so there has to be BALANCE and there has to be EQUILIBRIUM in your life. Your autonomic nerve system is the Chief underlying system of your health. Study it.

Your Heart, NERVE, spinal function, immune system…etc…they will all THANK YOU!

In the week ahead….be aware of your needs and make the appropriate corrections.


In Light and in Peace,


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