Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – March 10th to March 17th, 2024
Hi Everyone!
You know something? Mother Nature never misses Her seasonal cycles, the Sun always rises and sets, and the Stars always maintain their position in their respective Constellation clusters. Yet, we as human beings of a pure Divine origin, stumble and fumble through life seemingly unable to align with the cycles and orderly essence of Creation. Why? Let’s reflect on this together…shall we?
This week we start off on a New Moon cycle that works naturally together with other magnificent celestial events surrounding this cyclic shift, including the upcoming North American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th and the Seasonal Equinox shift next week. More about all this in the ensuing writings. Right before your eyes though, the Creative Plan is unfolding and it is causing significant changes to occur within your own life and within humanity.
Do you stop to consider the cycles and order of life when planning your own business and personal development, goals and dreams? What about your daily routine, relationships, health care and spiritual practices? Do you include research and reflection into the celestial cycles?
Each of us just need to “watch the signs” of the Heavens and the Earth to understand what should be undertaken at any given cycle.
This week we are in a period of New beginnings, incredible CREATIVITY due to the influence of the Pisces Constellation, a call to Service due to the Virgo influence, advanced or forward thinking due to the influence of Aquarius, and RENEWAL due to the influence of the Earth herself (which in the Northern Hemisphere is indicating a start to Spring clean up, detoxification, purging of the old, and an inventory awareness). That’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Some of you are tired though. Some of you are not knowing what to do next, struggling to understand your life and just how you fit into the world. The Kingdoms around you seem to know though! The animals, marine and migratory birds, creatures of the lands and vegetation coverage, all seem to have their act together and are answering the awakening call within them. What happened? How come you don’t know? Well it is high time to change that and enjoy the benefits!
You are gifted with 2 hemispheres of the brain each with special attributes and abilities inclusive of the REFLECTIVE capability. This week you are going to need to harness this reflective power and use it. You are tired because you may be using primarily the left brain, your adrenals are overwrought and your immune, circulatory, digestive and regulatory systems are on overdrive. You can’t sleep, you have anxiety at times and are wearing down because you are not tapping into the JUICES of Life from the Inner Source and the natural support of the cycles.
All this magnificent ENERGY is moving in and out in particular patterns and spirals of Life and Light with varying degrees of intensity and frequency for you to draw upon and take into yourself, for regeneration and advancement.
This week you need to pay attention to your body that shares its intelligence with you regarding the changes and shifts of matter occurring. What you need to shed, clear away and consume is significant during these cycles.
As SPRING cycle starts to alert us, we move into nesting (home) urges, foundation, modification, building, expanding, visions, BONDING and integrating with our Higher Self, mating and partnerships in this physical Kingdom, Colour and vibratory changes and New Sounds and languages….just to name a few.
What are you responding to? You have urges and nudges coming to you from your Higher Soul or Self that is helping you to get in sync with this cycle. You need to listen and respond. You need to act, if necessary, or include passive reflection, if that is to be more in order with your needs right now. That is up to you to analyze.
Are you being too complacent in a productive or unproductive way? If you are using your passive time for reconstructive reasons and for gaining insight, like when you meditate, then you are very productive, aren’t you! If you are lazing around and zoning out with mindless relaxation only, then if to excess, that is unproductive.
This self analysis and examination time this week is going to be very interesting to engage with. Thinking and reflecting deeply upon matters and issues whilst making notes, drafts, and doodles of the outcomes discovered about yourself.
To get yourself out of the “funk” of emotional distress, frustration and uncertainty, make a PROMISE to yourself today, that you will set the time aside to examine just how you got here and where you are, relative to this new cycle. Do that first. There is only good that can come from this acknowledgment.
Next, for this week….take a deep breath and reflect on this Cycle and the GROWTH that is underway in all the Kingdoms. Acknowledge that you are designed to harmonize with this prosperous evolution and ascension.
Focus on ONE thing this week while you step towards attaining the re-synchronization to the Life cycle. Just ONE step. Watch how that changes your Energy, your outlook and your personal empowerment.
Enjoy the week ahead….this is the first of many steps to your integration with the fast moving paradigm shift for what we call here on Earth: Spring. People in the southern hemisphere are experiencing the same shift in their developing consciousness, but their physical bodies are attuned to the characteristics of physical environment influence below the equator.
See you next week and please share this message if you think it may help others relate to the changes and challenges of life!