Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – April 7th to April 14th, 2024 – Solar ECLIPSE

Hi Everyone!
Did you feel the “Energy Shift” just before the weekend started? It helped you break through a particular emotional and mentally impacting veil of illusion, just in time for the Solar Eclipse this Monday. Glad that is out of the way…now we can get on to the “gifts of this Solar Eclipse, Super “New” Moon in Aries, and Comet Pons-Brooks that is swinging close to Jupiter! What a Celestial Masterpiece! Let’s reflect on the Energy Shifts that are affecting us together….shall we?
The Universe is quite spectacular! The Earth is moving around the sun at 67,000 mph, our Moon is moving around our Earth at 2,288 mph and the Sun itself is pulling us along with it’s own Path around the Milky Way Galaxy at approx. 483,000 mph and yet…by Universal Mind directives….these systems are all lining up for a magnificent outpouring of POWER and INTELLIGENCE so that we can lift our heads out of the sand and realize we are more than merely physical bodies. We will be witness to a “Divine Offering” that is intended to shake us out of sleepiness.
Adding to all this, is a COMET named Pons-Brooks, which is weaving a PATH through the very fabric of Creation clearing the way for more Cosmic influence to come to you from Universal Love and Light. The veils of illusion will be further lifted in the unfolding days and cycles to come, while you unlock yourself from the limitations of the material world.
The Comet’s addition to this architectural display of Beauty and Intelligence, is like the “Messenger” of the Stars, impressing on your own mind a “Higher Reasoning process” with insight as to how to create and apply the new directives given.
As with every NEW beginning and rebirth in Aries (Spring as the official New Year cycle), the ways of the old living and thinking need to be purged and reorganized, creating a cleaner and more healthier vehicle and environment through which to get on with our Soul mandate.
Use every moment of your day in a balanced way of both ACTION and time for REFLECTION. Not just this week but everyday. Let’s not go back into a slump at all….keep your eyes and ears attuned to the messages that guide you on the proper way of living.
The Solar Eclipse itself as a physical, scientifically understood phenomena is a pleasure to witness, should you have the proper equipment to do so, in order to protect your eyes. However, that is NOT the most beneficial way to access the gifts from this event for your greatest potential. The Inner Self is more important to be engaged with during this time. I’ll explain.
For 3 days now on either side of the April 8th Solar Eclipse path event, you are receiving the Spiritual influences of the Cosmic and the incoming vibrations associated with it. (April 5th to 11th) You have likely noticed your own meditations, thoughts and reflections are different. This intensifies during the Eclipse.
It is recommended that you choose a period of time during this event to sit down and meditate in the quiet of your own Inner Self and attune to the gifts of this celestial offering. That way, not only is your very physical body aware and engaged in this event, but your emotional, mental, intuitive and Spiritual alignment immerses in the Healing and Guidance as well.
No matter where you are at in your own spiritual development….as a beginner or advanced mystic, there is definitely something for you to gain by engaging Universal Source during this Cosmic alignment. As you do your deep. breathing practice and regular routine that you enjoy, take a moment to experience what is happening at your inner eye region centred in the middle of your forehead. Let images and concepts flow to you. Just be still and receive.
Also to note, is that our Sun and Solar System has a particularly interesting relationship with other nearby Stars like Sirius, as well as special relations with noted constellations. When we align with our EARTH-MOON-SUN…there are other alignments beyond that we should be aware of too!
Mankind is going through major shifts during the start of our New Year here in Aries, and with such great numbers of people searching for their own Truth and Meaning of Life, this is a time for all of us to know how to invest time and energy both in ourselves, and for the Greater Good. Pursue your earnest search for this and you will find the help of the Cosmic there for you.
If you have a personal project or Soulful calling that has been stirring in you, now is the time to be of Service. There are surprising rewards that will come with that when you least expect it, when you focus on what your Heart and Mind calls you to do.
If we could all just stop fighting the change by controlling to hang on to the old ways, the Loving and Open Light of the Cosmic will be happy to pick us up into a peaceful life of living the way it was intended. Expect change, but remember that the old must crumble down. Those beautiful buds of green that you see on the tree limbs throughout Nature in Spring, are a wonderful reminder of just how the Universe maintains the Cycle of Life. Your life is in renewal too!
Enjoy the week ahead with the unfolding further deconstruction of the old, and the proper reconstruction of the life you wish to live. We are all to live in HARMONY with the Cosmic, and this week starts you off with a big PUSH in that direction. Be in your heart with open mind, and surrender to the gifts and calling of the Universe.
So so powerful. I was listening to The Blue Danube Waltz while reading this. Seemed to be of matching frequencies 🙂 So much endless potential of creativity and mastery and beauty, harmony, art, love.
Thank you for this necessary, powerful message.
Thank you Lauren !!