Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – April 21st to April 28th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Ready to peel off a layer of an old fragment of yourself? This is the week to do that, as another aspect of the OLD paradigm ceases to exist, and a fresh set of eyes become your personal lens into the reality that you live here on Earth. Let’s reflect on this week and peruse the deeper meaning of your existence together…shall we?
It’s wonderful when a Full Moon in Scorpio comes pounding on our door, which is happening this week on April 23rd. You are already feeling the changes that are underway as you realize that the inner “You” certainly DOES know what it’s doing! That’s right! The full moon is going to take you into self realizations of the strength of your MIND and a KNOWING. A knowing that you now must begin to TRUST.
As we have transitioned into the Taurus time cycle now, the Aries Will power in you is settling on in and you ready to get to work in Taurus. However, this is not just the “grunt” work out in the field, this is more MIND work. You are gaining the help of Scorpio Full Moon this week so the power of your own Mind is moving the chess pieces around on the board.
Watch out for the Scorpio “stinging tail” though….as the world tends to get over ambitious with glamour in seasonal changes. Keep an eye open!
You are going to be sensitive to the “alluring” nature of the material world and all the entrapments that distract you, as the various tribal (mass consciousness) activities continue to grow and soar across the planet such as sports, entertainment, outdoor socializations, “Spring mating season shopping advertisements to take your money”, an excess in wanting “things”, a possible envy comparison to others, and perhaps a “look what I have” type of show- off attitude. Yes…all these traps you well know. Don’t let them catch you!
Instead, you can use this WEEK’S ENERGY to power up your Inner Self connection and un-hook yourself from the trivial matters, while going within to understand your spiritual placement here in this life. You will receive some wonderful downloads from the Cosmic this week as you get closer to the refinement of the Inner Soul connection.
So much strength to be gained this week! I wish to emphasize this because you have a chance to increase your clarity of direction, understanding of your purpose and begin to CREATE and BUILD that which you need to get done whilst the energy influences are very high. Potent time to receive from the Cosmic.
I repeat…don’t get stuck in the “mirage” that you see out there in the world that is not permanent and adds nothing to your development by gathering more “things” and possessions. If anything, CLEAR the clutter and continue to let go of attachments which only gather dust and disturb your natural flow.
Bonus this week….front end loaded! This week you are getting a WAVE of energy flow that prompts you to rethink many primary roadways. (Paths to your Soul mandate) You will have a much “cleaner” view of what your heart yearns for and that which the Cosmic is encouraging you to partake in. Let’s just say that you will lock on to a much more precise VISION this week in the exploration of who you really are.
The real treasure is starting to come into view as a “collection of roadways of your MIND, like strong LINES, that all intersect through one major NODAL crossing. You can FEEL that in your head, can’t you? Close your eyes for a moment and sit with that. You will begin to feel this at the back of your head in the occipital area and it moves forward to your visionary centre in your forehead. Your MIND is very powerful and is ready to mobilize some very interesting changes.
This is not a time for just hoping, guessing and waiting, this is a time of Mindful ACTION. Progressive Mind. You will feel compelled to THINK and you will feel more inclined to sit quietly to receive inner guidance. A deeper listening is taking place in you that will trust in the personal changes that you are undergoing. The real you is emerging.
Passing fancies and brief moments of delight from the material world will be further replaced by super charged and Cosmically inspired: IDEAS, CONCEPTS, THINKING PRACTICES, LEARNING STEPS and GROWTH of your MIND. Exciting times, yes? VERY CREATIVE!
The MIND has always been a wondrous part of each of us, and at this new time cycle when the full Moon in SCORPIO (which is well noted for the greater attributes of MIND) comes knocking on your door this week, you will be wanting to rush to your notepad and write down the various insights and inspirations that come to you. Sit DOWN and take the time to immerse yourself in that alignment…you will not regret it!
Enjoy the week ahead and remember that this is a time of BLENDING the intellectual and intuitive self, with the SPIRITUAL true YOU! Lots of HEART energy, keen MIND and motivated Will power are all on the Cosmic MENU this week. Enjoy!