Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – April 28th to May 5th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
The ENERGY this week is going to help you to “regenerate” a new magnetic presence, from a previous state of cellular exhaustion, depletion of energy resources and overwhelm. Are you ready to go from “old to new”? I am sure you will love the waves of resurgence and there will be plenty more! Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
With all the hype about this new SPRING paradigm or major SHIFT during the first “true” quarter of the Earth year in the northern hemisphere, the thought of a week ahead of more assistance is quite pleasing! Be prepared for a surge or wave of energy that comes with Blessings from the surrounding celestial bodies; especially Taurus (and plenty of help from the SUN).
You will experience a particular warmth this week inside of you, that feels very “nurturing and motherly” due to Mother Earth urging growth that is inherent in Her Kingdoms, to begin sprouting more and more. You will “sprout” new growth…in particular in the emotional, mental and Spiritual sense. You will find yourself rather FOCUSED on a desire for CHANGE that is very material and tangible.
What you will need to do during this surge of material focus and desire, is to be sure to recognize clearly that you are not doing this for attachment to the focused desire, but for the purpose of CREATING. You are to use this power to draw the materials you need to CREATE that which is for the Greater Good. Think about that for a moment.
What we are feeling drawn to at this time, will be a very natural urge to CREATE that has a bonding connection to it. Now as you focus on this goal to create, the various POWERS of your own subtle Self are coming together and your magnetic field will be increasing in size and strength. You will find yourself with a REGENERATIVE strength in you that is super cool to experience!
Many people use this power to CHANGE their bodies, heal and grow, sculpt and redirect the cellular model of their own body and move into greater health.
Other people may find the urge through this time of CREATING to manifest the material tools to bring about a change in their own life, and in the lives of others, that will be refreshing and regenerative such as a new home, remodelling, building and re-purposing.
Your MIND + MOTIVATION + HEART + HANDS = a reflection back to the Universal Creator’s own Will, through MIND to experience Itself through LOVE.
You will find that this week the heart centre is quite warm and engaging as you find yourself drawn to your ambitions, your need to create something with your hands or perhaps if you are a parent, to help better your child and family life.
It’s a fascinating shift of energy this week as it has something for everyone that is inspiring and encouraging. The response you find coming from inside of you will surprise you. There is a great feeling of satisfaction that arises from this particular internal “call to act” and I do believe you will be pleased with the way you answer the call.
Going to sleep at night at the end of each busy day will bring contentment, as you feel the day will have been successful…..“a job well done!” Surrender to that deeper satisfaction of commitment and alignment, then let the Universe hold you in Love as you rest through the night.
A heads up! Be ADAPTABLE and watch for internal stubbornness, if that is an old pattern of yours. The other end of the spectrum of course would be BOUNDARIES. Make sure you are engaging in a fair and constructive balance with whatever it is you choose to do. Balance continues, as always, to be a primary focus when creating.
As we pick up on this REGENERATIVE energy this week, direct it into your body and life through a focused breathing practice. ENGAGE with the Energy that is being offered by taking a moment each morning to welcome it into your life; especially as the sun rises.
Observe and learn from the natural world around you. Watch how LIFE on this planet awakens and birds begin to sing in the early morning hours. What are they doing? Their song carries particular intelligence to life around them. Listen carefully to the sounds of nature as it can be rather subtle.
Observe your participation with your environment. Ocean waves, bees humming, birds singing, winds blowing through trees and the warmth of the sun touching your skin, are all natural experiences that we tend to shut out as our attention becomes immersed in technology.
Finally this week, watch for the deepening of your MIND connection with the inner Self as you feel called into action with those of “like MIND”. The grouping or clusters of similar MINDS gathering to discuss the creative process and the increasing sense of momentum will grow stronger. Whether you are building or growing a business, increasing social activities by joining groups or simply stepping outdoors into nature in your own backyard…..the REGENERATIVE ENERGY this week will impact you in a positive way.
Step into this energy and absorb it. Feel the offerings that LIFE brings to you and go exploring with it. Absorb deeply by using the breath and ACKNOWLEDGE that which is surrounding our planet and that which is passing through; touching you on the forehead and heart as it goes.
LIFE is in motion….don’t allow yourself to get stagnant. There is a thrilling invite from the Cosmic to participate and you received your own private invitation when you took your first breath!
Enjoy the week ahead!