Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – May 12th to May 19th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Grounding, Trusting your entry in your new paradigm and more Grounding! The ENERGY emissions from the SUN over the weekend since May 10th, have been quite substantial with Coronal Mass Ejection (CME’s) activity being VERY high and coming at us in waves! Our Sun is reaching a peak time during 2024/2025 of the 11 year Solar Wave activity cycle and we are the receivers. Expect accelerated SHIFTS of consciousness as this will only increase and continue throughout the year.
You have seen what these CME’s do to the Earth’s Electro-Magnetic field with the Aurora Borealis lights reaching as far as the Equator! You can only imagine what this is doing to your own electromagnetic field (Aura). Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
We are ENERGY beings and when the super powerful waves of Solar activity is hurled towards our planet, we absolutely DO feel the effect. What does this mean? Energy Shifts! Everyone responds physically different, such as headaches, super tired or very energized, swings in appetite and heart palpitations that seem to come out of nowhere are all common symptoms of the Solar Flares, when intense. Why? Because you have energy blocks in your own auric field that are “stirred up”.
Further to the physical, your emotions and mental body systems also are impacted, thus you can expect to have a variety of experiences. Some people have “zoning out” periods where you find that you just want to sit there and stare out of the window. (True! This has already been happening with some people as they find they just can’t “tackle” focusing). You may also experience some dizziness, lightheaded or unable to sit at your computer. You may need to move around.
Emotional crying bouts, temperament changes and moods may also occur during the intense periods of the Solar Cycles but there is a positive to all of this as well! The SPIRITUAL shifts are also very intense and calculating as you move out of the old story; old paradigm and begin to accept you have a brighter future that is more attuned to who you really are.
The Spiritual component of all of this, is that the “solar wave brings you increased amounts of solar vitality globules or particles” of energy that spark/unlock your own Higher Mind bringing you incredible ideas, concepts, inspirations and a determination to take time out and just BE with your Inner Self. Have you been thinking of going on a retreat or taking time off to just relax, journal and meditate? Well…you can thank the SUN for this response of yours!
You may be prompted to write, build, harness the BIG picture concepts you are having, and make plans on how you wish to implement these changes.
You are finding your SOUL(mates) and Soul Groups now and a lot more interaction is developing during this quarter of 2024 (March equinox to June Solstice) that is all planned by the Universe.
The Vitality globules from our Sun-Earth interaction is always very cleansing and purging. The old ways of living just don’t FEEL right and you are tired or bored with what you have been doing. Time to accept that things must change in order to evolve….and that is exactly how the Sun and Earth are helping you!
Many people are already experiencing these “major lapses/shifts” of time where they thought they had planned well over the last year for what they wish to do…and somehow something has changed! The shift is that “the old routine doesn’t feel quite right anymore” and a real internal KNOWING is setting into place for change. Why have you changed so much?
You are being “modified” in your plans by the powerful directives and forces of love from your own Soul and the Universal Plan. We are to listen to the intuition carefully and trust that the new paradigm you are now entering is in fact very different from the old and you are making rapid entry into it.
The transition can be bumpy or smooth…depending upon how much resistance you have from leaving the old. Don’t try to hang onto the past way of living but instead modify and blend the SELECTED goodness from the past right into the powerful shift up of the new. You will find yourself in a new world of thought.
Establish yourself in this new era/cycle and new foundation. It is important. Grounding helps. Take yourself to the beach, ocean, lake, forest, local park or your own backyard and have some timeout. Breathe into the oneness of the Creative world and the Divine alignment.
Certain things that you thought were so important may not be anymore. Simplify and realize that the waves of the Cosmic from our Sun turn us towards the Inner Self and you become less of a prisoner of the concrete limitations of the flesh life.
This week you are going to find a few “neutral or null points” at certain transition periods. These are moments of alignment and CHOOSING as you move through nodal crossings. Take the high road and get OUT of the old reactions. Just walk away from the old reactions by either finding your voice and taking a stand….OR…if you have tried taking a stand and you are not being met with heart….you walk away. Trying to argue and push others to find their own alignment is just a frustration and quite frankly, not helpful.
So expansive is the realizations of your choices right now! You have to power to choose and the energy this week is very supportive!
Walk that straight and narrow path into this broad and expansive new paradigm. It is like a bridge and you must cross it for a healthier and more joyful interaction with life here on earth is in the making for you. Living with the shadows of illusion of the past is energy consuming. The CREATIVE interactive cycle is here and now. Embrace it!
Enjoy your week ahead!