Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – May 19th to May 26th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Vibrant ENERGY week ahead! Get your legs moving, focus on circulation of ENERGY in all aspects of your life. We have a Full Moon this week in Sagittarius nicknamed the “FLOWER MOON” that has you thinking about ways to BLOSSOM in your own personal expression. Let’s reflect on this week together….shall we?
You are blending your focus this week on: Foundation and Communication. The foundation of your newly inspired life is still being built and you will carry on through with ensuring you are preparing a good GROUND underfoot. Look after your property, business affairs, home, personal wardrobe, physical health of the body and financial investments for your own personal development and for your family. BUILD!
Communications: Very engaging this week…. you are articulating your thoughts well and creatively communicating to others the “Story; the Vision” you have which is being directed to you from your Master Soul Personality. Pay attention to details…every “nook and cranny” as the old saying goes.
Measure things twice, use mathematical skills, use proper grammar in speaking and writing, “spellcheck” as necessary and be certain of what you wish for. Don’t guess or brush over anything too quickly. Mother Nature does not “hope” that the flowers in Her Kingdom blossom, but has Planned it that way!
What a wonderful week to engage the ingathering of ENERGY. Gather “IN” all the support, tools, materials, knowledge, and inspiration required for your projects ahead. Then start to move this “OUT”…by communicating and directing to those involved for the Greater Good, who are closer to the nucleus of your life. You don’t need to move right out to the outer edge of manifestation at the moment…let it emanate as you analyze and develop the methodology.
This Greater Good inspiration and building may come to you as being associated with immediate surroundings, family, community or perhaps even bigger! This is a week for plans well laid and schematics drawn.
Why so much about detail? The Gemini Constellation is bringing in a “breeze of AIR…MIND power” to you this week. You will want to “run to the mountain top to shout out your message” but instead you should harness the gift that this week brings you and BLEND it into the FOUNDATION. Got it? Okay!
The LEGS of the Sagittarius Constellation Archer/Horse influence will be inspiring you to RUN and get MOVING on things in your life you have been waiting for. Yes…do EXERCISE those legs; EXERCISE your vitality by pouring it INTO your projects, but no need to disperse fully this week. Let it BLEND into the powerful manifestation that it will become.
All week you are going to feel the FIRE inside and the prompts to grow and experience this burst of late Spring energy. That is because the flow is powering you up from the Cosmic and you are getting excited about the changes. The foundation is changing in and around you and you are to harmonize with these changes.
KEEP MOVING into the “new paradigm” that this Spring has been building for you and keep your blinders on with no distraction. Powerful and positive manifestations are in the works but you need to keep the energy moving!
Move the ENERGY through the DAY and at NIGHT you need to REST and rejuvenate/replenish. Your body wants to do that as it is Cosmically and Divinely programmed. Lay down and help the cells and the internal systems revive. If you can’t sleep you are going to need to listen to your heart centre and tap into what is bothering you. Something deep rooted only keeps us awake through the night causing restlessness. Seek help with that, as once discovered, you can glide effortlessly into a soothing and restorative sleep.
This week the ENERGY is leading you RIGHT INTO YOUR new STORY. What a gift. Pay attention to the full moon offerings to let go and purge the old limitations. The VISION centre at your forehead will be causing your stomach/3rd chakra and digestive system to “bounce around with emotion” and excitement. Just remind yourself that all will be in ORDER…so breathe the 2 worlds into ONE. (Typical Gemini influence here from the Higher and lower).
I know that you are looking forward to change in your life because you are feeling that internal nudge and wish to have “NOW” what is unfolding. Have some patience…it is happening.
Wrapping up….so remember to pay attention to your foundation, numbers, measurements, communications, etc as outlined above, and you will find this new ORDER of life and full FLOWER Moon life cycle ENERGY to be quite satisfactory!
Enjoy the week ahead!