Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – June 2nd to June 9th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
No need to be shy or apologetic about your greatest strengths and skills that the Universe invested in you! During this fascinating week ahead of a 6 planetary alignment and New Moon in Gemini, you are about to “affirm and acknowledge your own gifts of Heart and Mind!” Let’s reflect on this super enlightening week ahead together….shall we?
The Energy SHIFT this week you have just entered, is a “very energetic, bubbly and high vibrational time” where you will be listening to the words forming in your own mind and find the courage to begin expressing them.
Additionally, the NEW MOON in Gemini, that is supporting your self realizations of these special inherent traits of yours, is eagerly participating in your new paradigm shift of THINKING and REFLECTION. Trust your intuition now this week more than ever…for it is truly your SIGN POST.
No confusion here…only TRUTH. Honouring your deepest CONSTRUCT and the unique expression of your own Soul Signature is making this week a CARDINAL POINT MOMENT in your life.
No mincing of words, flowery imaginings or apologies for who you are….just FACT. Reminder! If you don’t know who you are, you will have no idea of where you are going!
If you are a Leader….then LEAD
If you are a Creator….then CREATE
If you are a Nurturer and Supporter…..then support
If you are a Builder….then build
Etc…Etc…. I think you get the picture. Some of you wish to travel Solo…perhaps taking in the experiences of Life with a companion, but in fact, prefer to spend time alone thinking, writing, meditating, studying, and interacting with the Cosmic. That too has a purpose and will help you to unfold to the NEXT step.
Special Week – Parade of the 6 Planetary Alignments and New Moon in Gemini
According to our Scientists of Astronomy: “On June 3, six planets form a straight line through the pre-dawn sky that stretches from Jupiter on the eastern end (closest to the horizon) up through Mercury, Uranus, Mars, and Neptune, to Saturn on the western end, highest in the sky before sunrise.”
JUPITER (Soul’s Will) and MERCURY (Mindful intellect and Communication) will start off this week rubbing elbows together…so be prepared to experience a “floodgate” of motivation and earnest desire to speak up and let the TRUTH flow. (With some disciplined, discernment from Saturn, of course!)
What this week is about, with the impact of Energies intensified through planetary and Stellar forces, is an intense COLLECTION of LINES of FORCE with each carrying particularly Intelligent attributes from the MIND of Creator. When the Universal MIND acts on us, we are being bathed with many “Central Energy Emissions” that can impact us in spontaneous ways or plant seeds of THOUGHT and CONCEPTS for long term unfoldment.
Notice all the (+) ACTIVE energy intelligence that is coming in this week. KNOWLEDGE; old and in-depth is abundantly offered…. and so for those of you out there who are inspired with ideas, concepts and forward thinking projects, who desire deep philosophical study, seek out the Greater Mysteries of Life or have been patiently waiting for a deeper understanding of your health on all levels….this is a TURNING POINT for you.
On a very practical level, this type of energy is especially helpful to SET DOWN concrete plans, formulate long term goals, look ahead at what you wish to achieve by mid-December, 2024, what is on the NEXT several years agendas as well.
This is also a good time to GET RID of excess stuff. You will likely look around you and think to yourself….this object, old box of knick knacks and material overload in my environment, just needs to go!
Don’t buy things you don’t need. Let the dazzling coloured lights and enticing sales signs stay far from view. Fragrances should be natural, chemicals must leave your space, and natural fibres and daily living needs should be prioritized.
Get your sleep because the BRAIN is an instrument for the Universal MIND and you must make sure it is well hydrated and and you get enough rest to rejuvenate it. (This is the focus of another talk so we will leave that alone for now)
The ENERGY SHIFT this week is a GAME CHANGER. Go to bed early, get up early and get at your meditative practice and journalling right away. Also, if the sky is clear you may be able to witness the planets in the sky yourself!
Look after that MIND of yours….it is very special and you are a very important emanation of Divine Love!
Enjoy the week ahead!