Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – June 9th to June 16th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the Energy Shift this week of CURVES, BELLS and ASCENSION! Every week for humanity….each incoming energy wave moves us higher and stronger than the last. At each of the dips, we need to let that ENERGY soak us and purge us… before we head up to the next crest! Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
The CURVES: When life throws us a curve ball we prepare to meet that curve ball head on. That is how we get over hurdles and experience an Energy shift from it. But sometimes the ball comes at us in such a way that we are not quite sure just what the source or owner of that pitch is sending us, throwing at us with their thoughts, or what the curve ball of life actually means. Figuring all of that out can be energy exhausting, time consuming and upsetting, if we stress about it. What to do?
Reach out and catch the curve ball, take it in your hand and examine its value, vibration and purity. Use your DISCERNMENT. Is the ball (thought or experience) coming at you clean and pure; helpful and supportive to encourage you think and reflect? Or is it slimy, impure, distracting and dangerous to you?
Your “keen” eyes, beautiful heart, healthy energy field vibration, plus your boundaries and strengths, will help you to determine all of that upon reflection. Make sure to examine. Then you know whether to ACCEPT or REJECT the curve that is thrown at you.
CURVE BALLS from the Divine Universe are specifically designed to make you THINK and to REFLECT upon a new concept, block to heal and/or opportunity. Lower vibe human curve balls thrown at you are not.
CURVES in the road; your Path, can also take you “around” something in order to see the other side, to bring you new landscape and to help you cross into different terrain underfoot as you traverse into new territory. Now that’s UPLIFTING!
Trusting your intuition and allowing yourself to go around and look BEHIND that which is directly in front of you exposes either an opportunity or a block or both. Either way you need to CURVE around to see what the fabric of Creation brings to you this week! Step up and MEET head on with what is around the CURVE and then the NEW PERSPECTIVE and OPENNESS will provide you with the ANSWER!
What happens then? The BELLS!
The BELLS: When we hit a milestone of enlightenment, whether great or small, the SOUND current within shifts and a new level of vibration is reached. We are filled with a rising sound, a song and a signal of TRUTH. We must TRUST our inner signals and sounds. Some people say that a solution to subject matter, when discussed “RINGS TRUE”. Others find it HARMONIOUS to their listening ears and inner barometer.
You may find that this week brings you many resonating SOUNDS and Concentric Rings of movement in your Energy field that are just the right recipe for your daily improvements.
If the SOUND is “off” and disconcerting; disturbing or unruly to your ears and Aura…then you are definitely knowing that the VIBE is not where you want it to be. Correct Immediately or move on.
When the BELLS rings forth and you feel the inner celebration and jubilation…then you are on the right track. This week will bring you those heightened moments of assurance, support and encouragement to keep going! Great energy shift!
The ASCENSION: Onward and upwards you go. This week is a shift in your Spiritual awareness and consciousness. Ascending the inner mountain of Self Enlightenment and Self Realization is something that each one of us yearns for and desires. So much satisfaction is gained by being “SPOT ON” the mark of Truth and Light.
Ascending one’s consciousness is at the forefront of the week ahead with each one of you wasting no time in wanting to CHOOSE the vibration that is associated with the positive Path. What is in front of you can be overwhelming and sometimes can freeze you up. Reminder NOT to LISTEN to those in your environment that are quite negative who live in fear. A balanced, logical and practical approach…balanced with your intuition, trust and Connection to your Universal alignment will keep you strong.
Your CHOICE to ascend and TRUST your intuition thus moving ahead at a steady pace means ASCENDING the MOUNTAIN of greater self awareness…. is yours in the making!
Whatever it is you are doing: A project, new initiative, hobby, work clean up, renovation of your life or learning a new trade or skill…MOVE UP! Ascend your inner Path by trusting in your steps.
The MIND of the Creator; through LOVE and LIGHT is guiding you always. When we are in sync with that; we thrive!
Every human being has a SPARK of absolute PURE Divinity in them…and when you choose this week to meet the CURVES, Trust and LISTEN for the TRUTH sounds of the BELLS and then step into the ASCENSION with your Heart and Mind leading you….then you are purposeful in your life experience.
Choose to meet anything this week that need addressing with FAITH, INTUITON and pure TRUST in yourself. You are not going to back down but….. RIDE THE WAVE of HIGHER VIBRATION!
Each WAVE is taking you UPWARDS and elevating your consciousness. Let’s Go!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)