Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – June 16th to June 23rd, 2024

Hi Everyone!
This Week’s ENERGY shift prompts you to discover a new perspective on your life. Expectation? A response from you of “Yes, I promise to look after myself” blended with “a dedication to acknowledge my skills and a reminder to learn new ways of living.” Why? Because we have a fully loaded week ahead packed with a SOLSTICE boost jumpstarting Cancer Constellation, a FULL moon in Capricorn and an initiation at your CROWN (7th) Energy centre. Let’s reflect on this very multi-directional Energy Shift together….shall we?
When one begins a hike up a mountain, you have a PLAN; a GOAL to reach the PEAK. Sometimes you may stand for a moment under the overhead SUN surrounded by Nature, and in the quiet of that moment you can hear the engaging sound your hiking boots make upon the ground at your starting point. You are psyched up and feel the readiness inside of you…then you start to walk. Be aware that this is what the week ahead will bring to you….a new journey; a new start upon your Path of LIFE!
Using that analogy, we turn to what this week’s ENERGY shift is all about. The SOLSTICE is a very important time of your life when you pause; then turn your life in a new DIRECTION.
*** The heightened state of the Solstice Energy will “WATER, FEED and HELP GROW” what you SEEDED and started in the Spring quarter from March 19th, 2024 up until now. Use this powerful SOLAR cycle to thrive within yourself; your profession, Global Projects and most importantly; SPIRITUALLY! ***
According to Websters Dictionary, Solstice gets its shine from sol, the Latin word for “sun.” The ancients added sol to -stit- (a participial stem of sistere, which means “to stand still”) and came up with solstitium. English shortened solstitium to solstice in the 14th century.
The sun will “appear to stand still” on Thursday, June 20th at 4:50 pm. Eastern Time, bringing a sense of ONENESS; a PAUSE and UNITY with the Universal ALL. Then it will resume motion marking a new beginning. The next QUARTER of the seasonal year will begin slated from Solstice this week continuing to Equinox on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 at 8:43 am. Eastern time.
Keep your heart and mind focused on your continuous inner growth. You will reap the many benefits from doing so at HARVEST time during the 3rd seasonal QUARTER (September 22nd to December 21st, 2024)
In our own human lives, we pause…reflect…. and then we choose an ascension path of higher consciousness walking in a new direction. What direction are you choosing to go?
You don’t need to over think this as your own “Central Sun” in your heart will gently guide you into:
SELF CARE – prioritizing a “soft spot” of tender loving care for your own self. Please take good care of your health and be VERY SELECTIVE in what you eat, drink and engage in.
DEFINITION – This is a great time to recreate and redefine your status, position, office and home hours, duties and to make your VISION statement.
ADHERANCE – to just “Being”….Be silent…..knowing to TRUST the Solstice guidance provided from within your own intuition. Reach BACK in your reflections and summarize all the hard work you have put in and the investment the Universe has made IN you….that brought you to this POINT in TIME at Solstice.
MOTIVATION – to grow. This is YOUR life and you will acknowledge this week the importance to listen to what “calls you.” This is between YOU and the Divine Universal One. Answer to that which is within you; that speaks to you.
PROTECT your life, CHERISH your life, LOVE your life. Extend this to others…let your heart radiate out with sincerity. What a gift life is. See the “Light of the Soul” in others.
This week you are going to be both personally accountable for the structure and advancement of your life, as well as engaging in nurturing, activities of self care. Be VERY selective this week and make decisions based on the insight you receive while quiet during the 3 special days either side of the Solstice TIME.
From Monday, June 17th to Sunday, June 23rd, you are in what we call the SOLSTICE time cycle. The ENERGY interactions inclusive of the planetary and stellar forces are all “pointing towards you” and exerting special directives and Blessings to you. Soak it up, take it all in and you will find that clarity, peace and a happy heart will flow from this.
Enjoy the week ahead! Reminder Self Care also includes plans for your Summer holidays!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)