Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – July 28th to August 4th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
The WEEK AHEAD takes us one step further from the initial threshold crossing into the Leo Constellation, which means it takes you one step further into issues of the HEART. Your CHOICE as to whether you are going to elevate yourself into a positive attitude and outlook on life, or a dismal and unhappy one. Let’s reflect together on the incredible impact your HEART CENTRE has on what you attract…shall we?
When you look around you into the crowd, at your friends and family, or into the mirror….what do you see? Do you see the EYES of the SOUL looking back at you? Or do you see the reflection; the IMAGE that is projected… formed by one’s thoughts, feelings and often, misalignment to the Soul?
If you CHOOSE to see the Divine Beauty and Light of the Soul in the EYES of others and yourself, you will start to move into a new awareness of what the human family is inherently rooted in. You should then begin to see who YOU really are as well. Seeing the Soul through the EYES of another is a remarkable interaction. It causes one to drop typical reactions you may have, and instead it should invoke empathy, kindness, understanding and greater awareness.
The other person may be behaving very poorly and without reflection, causing you to react. But if you go into your stillness, you will hear, see and know their Soul. You will understand the messaging ABOUT the person and their personality traits including attitudes that have gone awry. Then you can either choose to quietly walk away, or stay if you believe your words can shift them.
What about you? When you look into the mirror…what do you see? Do you go into self criticism? Or do you smile, and softly shift your awareness of yourself to a more loving and kind thought. Do you accept responsibility for your thoughts? Do you promise yourself to do better and encourage yourself to try again?
During this WEEKLY ENERGY SHIFT we are doing some very deep reflection on what it means to be a Spiritual Human Being versus living in a non-reflective state. If we are all to truly evolve and make our way towards Divine integration again, then we are certainly going to have to expedite our awareness of the QUALITIES of the HEART.
Your HEART ENERGY CENTRE is SO POWERFUL that it can magnetically attract wonderful people, material needs and experiences to you, that seem mind-boggling and over the top. But is it really so out of the ordinary? Or is it UNIVERSAL LAW?
The DIFFERENCE between your lower and higher state of consciousness in your heart is what should be viewed with awe! Wow! The SHIFT and CHANGES that occur in your own life when you LIFT up your awareness into the qualities of LOVE, loyalty, good morals, values, virtues, incredible work ethics, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and humanitarian kindness…just to name a few.
This week you will find at least ONE; likely more than one, opportunity to shift up into the HEART CENTRE deeper and further than you ever have before and STAY there. That’s right… it is the new paradigm and you are going to start staying permanently in the heart centre and keep on building that out until you are totally immersed in your NEW WORLD of Higher Consciousness through the HEART on UP.
This will mean of course, that your life changing patterns, behaviours, attitudes, daily activities and routines are all moving into a new state. You will no longer be able to stay in anything lower. (Read that again)!
The STATE of our world will CHANGE permanently when we each take up RESIDENCE in the HEART CENTRE and STAY THERE making it our new foundation upon which to build on up further into our Higher MIND.
When you tackle the week ahead with LOVE in your eyes and Love in your heart, you are going to attract others to you that are in sympathetic resonance; eager to grow and ascend as well.
When you SMILE at the retail clerk, your colleague or your family member instead of having a scowl on your face….you LIFT UP the energy of the room into the higher world of LOVE.
Gratitude, appreciation, humbleness and kindness…..balanced with STRENGTH, COURAGE, DETERMINATION, COMMUNICATION and even CREATIVE direction this week, will be just the recipe you need.
We can all use more LOVE in our lives and it starts with you! The LEO the LION Constellation is assigned the Heart ENERGY Centre and is going to be ever-present until August 22nd. Use this time wisely to “shift WITH” the Constellation influence. Become “ONE” with the outpouring of Love from the Universal All that is reaching out to you at all times.
This week you are going to be very conscious of how you are thinking, feeling and reacting. Sit UP in your heart centre and:
- See the people that you interact with daily in personal or professional environments where they are at. Observe them from your inner stillness and you will identify their gifts and their sufferings. They may not be able to understand anything more than they currently do, so don’t expect them to.
- Appreciate and love yourself more. Be more aware of your positive traits and goodness. Stop any criticism of yourself immediately. Full STOP. That is the most detrimental thing you can do to yourself. Start to acknowledge each positive and complete step you take no matter how great or how small.
- Yes…the world is challenged with unruliness and lower vices at this time, but that is not your conscious state so don’t get pulled into it. You will change the world by the love you radiate. Radiate your LIGHT and LOVE into the world in everything you do.
- Be aware of the WONDERFUL things you ATTRACT as you ELEVATE yourself and the world around you. Sometimes those little things may not be so little!
- Expect CHANGE this week as you SECURE your foundation in your New World of Higher consciousness through LOVE.
Enjoy the week ahead!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)