Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – August 11th to August 18th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
This week, Leo the Lion Constellation reminds you to have COURAGE to stand up for yourself, brush yourself off, if necessary and remember that you have the POWER inside of you to do anything. As the Wizard of Oz said to Dorothy, ““You’ve always had the power my dear, you just have to learn it for yourself.” Let’s reflect on the incredible COURAGE that you have inside of you together….shall we?
Your life may have had you flipping around lately like “being inside a barrel rolling down a hill” and you are wondering HOW to stabilize through all these changes. Well…we were told that since June 20th at Solstice, our lives were not going to be the same and we should not try to hang on to anything from the past that is not working.
Yes….you have been tested and so have those around you since Solstice. Did you choose the “high road?” Did those around you choose the same, or did anyone become obstinate and stay in the lower, old paradigm? Your choice; their choice.
Is it too late? Of course not…you can draw on your COURAGE and FAITH and pull yourself up and out of any sinking hole that you may have stepped in. But once you step up….stay up and don’t let the lower consciousness of others in life bring you back down…..guaranteed they can and will.
Discernment: We need to use this in our daily choices and our long term plans as well. Going forward this week, be VERY clear on what you WILL, and WILL NOT allow in your life stream. If you keep yourself in your proper lane, you won’t be distracted and annoyed by the erratic behaviour of others. Stay strong but keep the fire in your heart glowing with your natural kindness and goodness.
This week the ENERGY shift is giving us a LOT of positive charge which is essential. This ENERGY has already started to flow in over the weekend causing major FLUX in the energy fields of the Earth… and YOU!
“LEAN” into your personal and professional goals with determination this week. This no time for being too passive and hesitant. Be sure to balance your exertion out with patience. Patience will be required as you deal with others in your close circle, who are less aware than you, and may need you to teach them; show them the way….especially FAMILY and LOVED ONES.
There are a few “extra waves” of gentleness that have been reaching you as well from the collection of Constellations and stars over the last couple of days, which is going to continue strongly over the next several days ahead. You will NEED to embody the ENERGY of these waves and remember that you must stay positioned in your heart centre, especially when you feel ambushed by others.
Understand other people’s limitations; KNOW your own strengths. Tie in your HEART energy with your STRENGTH and COURAGE…and you will be just fine!
Why is it so tough? Well…exerting your WILL POWER and mobilizing yourself HEAD ON into the incredible streams of Higher Consciousness, does require your persistence. The breakthroughs come in cyclic waves as well and you will KNOW when you have reached one.
There is a breakthrough wave happening this week and you need to position yourself accordingly. Steady and focused as you go…..all waves have a “crest” and a “trough” and have varying amplitude (which is the ENERGY transferred by the wave) to help you move forward.
This week is a time for you to definitely RIDE THAT WAVE and be the Master! You can handle the dips just as well as you can GOVERN the great crests and powers that are coming your way.
Have COURAGE! This week you are going to start off with taking a deep breath, as you HEAD ON into it with fortitude and strength. Be assured, you will have many incredible, pleasant moments throughout the week when you just stand still….surrounded by your own energy field of GREEN (Natural Heart Level Energy) and you will be acknowledging your accomplishments and your position in life with joy in your heart!
What a wonderful time to be alive! Enjoy the week ahead!