Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – September 1st to September 8th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
You are about to embark on a new journey that lies beyond a “secret door” in your heart that opened for you over the last few weeks. Oh yes! This door opened up during LEO but you may have only PEEKED in! This week you will realize that by walking through that door, you will not go back to any old way of living. Your new paradigm of life is underway in varying degrees of change. Are you ready to explore your new realm of unending possibilities? Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
Divine guidance has been giving you nudges, strong energy hits and powerfully persuasive insights about your life and where it is going for some time now. Have you believed any of it? Do you take it seriously enough?
We are often told by others how wonderful we are; how unique, beautiful, inspiring, gifted and skilled and so on…but it doesn’t always SINK in. We HEAR the words with our ears….but are we truly LISTENING? The Cosmic doesn’t mince words ever….it only emanates Truth to you.
The New Moon on Monday is already impacting you and is shared energetically by LEO and VIRGO. All this ENERGY is influencing you through your Master Soul Personality, as you cleverly find yourself faced with decisions to make. The Cosmic influence upon you is so very strong… that this morning as I was writing this, I knew that I was to scribe the following to you:
- Understand that right now you are exploring many “first swirling” concepts and directives for your life that will change the way you think and live.
- Expect CHANGE as you TRUST in yourself. That which is on the other side of the Secret Door to your HEART will cause your dreams and Soul mandate to come into manifestation. Even though you are uncertain, can’t SEE it, or walking in still feeling very veiled from full comprehension….you should TRUST in yourself. Depending upon the nature of your Soul mandate, the manifestations will occur over the period of September, 2024 to April, 2025. Each one of you are different and beautifully unique!
- Some of the most powerful developing inspirations and new storyline experiences of your life will burst open and start during this period. You are just scratching the surface in these early days of September. Be prepared to reconstruct how you conduct your business and live your personal life.
- Highlight this one! Realize that your personal comfort, peace and success will occur BECAUSE you choose to follow the instructions, guidance and Divine Alignment with your Heart, Mind and Soul that come to you now and through September 2024.
- You have only just started to “wade” into the new Energy and are currently up to about your knees in rising consciousness out of the old. So you have a ways to go. You are likely still looking down to make sure the foundation is safe and secure. No problem…that’s normal. That is you facing your fears.
- A heads up here: Each of you are so very different. A few of you will already KNOW your direction, some will only have a few intuitive ideas, and many of you will only faintly know and may need help. The BEST part of all of this is that each of you will get the help that you need from the Cosmic in varying ways.
The Energy SHIFT this week is about the “IDEAS and INSPIRATIONS.” They show up as literal pen scratchings that you are pouring out onto paper, writing onto a napkin as you sip your coffee and get HIT with an inspiration, or pour out to your friends and colleagues as you gather together.
Let me repeat…the DOOR is open. The SACRED and SECRET Higher Heart Centre is bright and filled with wonderfully creative directives for you. It is also ABUNDANTLY HEALING for you, as you become immersed in the LOVE of your own HEART.
For those of you who are feeling the need for comfort, healing, safety assurances, courage to stand on the other side of that door and a hand to hold….this week it will amplify. The COSMIC will send you what you need VIA the people who are consciously awakened, from Nature and from some of the most unusual ways! September’s LOVING VIRGO Constellation will help you with HEALING.
The old actions, behaviours, interactions, and daily stresses of the past paradigm is moving away from you more and more each day. Even many of the people you interacted with before are either SHIFTING with you into the New Paradigm or they are choosing to stay in the past story. We all have the choice.
So as you get ready to wrap up your weekend, begin to FEEL the New MOON, our Star Constellations and the deep Cosmic streams of Love and Divine Guidance moving through you daily….pay attention to that which you are intuitively receiving.
Enjoy the week ahead! Keep pen and paper handy!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
Thank you Kathy. I always enjoy your inspirational articles
This is incredibly accurate. Thank you. <3 <3 <3