Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – September 8th to September 15th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
You are likely finding that any misalignments you have to your Soul greatness is causing you some grief and being quite bothersome in your life right now! Talk about unprecedented HIGHLIGHTING of your issues! It reminds me of when we are teenagers and instead of seeing the beautiful face looking back at us in the mirror, we see the ONE, single blemish that upsets you and brings you to tears for the entire day! Ugh! Let’s reflect on the ENERGY shift this week together….shall we?
The Weekly Energy Shift you face, is one that causes you to get “down in the dirt” like a gardener to sort out the weeds from the healthy fruit and vegetables. We all have some weeds in our garden; in ourselves, and this week you are going to engage with the underlying cause. This week you PULL the weeds out of your life and benefit from the Soul’s LIGHT!
Typically, as human beings, we don’t like to hear what we can, or cannot do. We like to “do our own thing!” But if we do our own thing and it does NOT comply with the Laws of Life then we suffer the consequences. “Not fair!” you may cry out….but remember, the rules are in place to keep us healthy, vibrant and strong.
Some things that are coming up during this timeline of your life are being PUSHED forward into your awareness, because of the ENERGY emitted from our Beloved VIRGO Mother constellation. I’m sure you can imagine Her standing by at the door and lovingly taking a “washcloth to scrub your dirty face” as you are coming in from playing. Life wants to help you to be CLEAN! We want to be CLEAN!
What does clean mean? HEALTHY! This week we are going to find ourselves reviewing those things that are causing us to be unhealthy. Such as what? EMOTIONAL dragging down from within ourselves and from others who are not in alignment with the beautiful White Lotus Flower of Life. MENTAL dragging down of old hum-drum false beliefs and distorted outdated views of life which are not in alignment with the beautiful White Lotus Flower of Life. Finally, and certainly, PHYSICAL foods, entertainment, activities and engagements that are not in alignment with the beautiful white Lotus Flower of Life.
The White Lotus Flower of Life represents to you this week: Your SOUL’s PURE expression in its entirety!
This is a Week of Energy Shifting where a WAVE of Higher Cosmic Light is moving across and through you that is not only highlighting your misalignments but pointing them out to you with ACUTE ACCURACY. If something is not working…then fix it! Now what do you do next with all this? Solve the mystery. It’s not that difficult if you know where to look.
This is a WEEK of Energy Shifting where the WAVE of ENERGY highlights your GIFTS and STRENGTHS with incredible HINTING, NUDGING and PATH suggestions for you too! Be extra diligent in acknowledging this!
CLEAN UP FIRST: This week you will CHOOSE to look behind the scenes at the obvious “out of alignment” condition you are in and dive deep into the meaning; the cause. Open it all up and break it down. Once you find the culprit inside of you that is triggering a sympathetic resonance to the lower field of the old paradigm energy, including the other people triggering you…..CHANGE your ways. Reject the continuity of this and move into compliance with your own Soul.
When we FACE the inner and outer misaligned expressions of Life that we find ourselves in…we are ready to SOAR! Are you ready to lock on to your new paradigm even further now?
Take a look at the bigger picture and remember that you are preparing yourself for the next MAJOR SHIFT in humanity; across the world…that is occurring at EQUINOX in and around September 22nd, 2024. (There is always a 3 day window on either side of the exact equinox time)
So first step is to DEAL with the obvious annoyances, discordancies and misalignments that are taking place right under your nose this week.
The ENERGY shift this week will help you! Stumbling blocks have been popping up and down in and around you. Which ones are left unresolved? What symptoms of blockage are YOU experiencing?
BIG ASSIGNMENT for the Week Ahead: 1) Ask yourself if you are afraid to let go of something from your old paradigm. That will be your first step and give you the clues as to what is so stubborn and resistant inside of you that you just don’t know how to deal with it, or are fearful to budge it.
2) CREATE upon a blank page your HEIGHTENED VISIONS that you have in your Mind, and HIGHLIGHT the beautiful aspects of yourself that are in alignment with the White Lotus Flower of Life. Know your Gifts!
Let’s get back to where we belong! In the spotlight of our own Soul…blazing with pure Light and wavelengths of healthy Mind to Body connections!
Enjoy the week ahead…it’s going to be another DOOZY!
Thank you <3 <3 <3