Equinox! Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – Sept 22nd to Sept 29th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Crazy roller coaster ride of Energy leading up to Equinox! Did you manage to hold your ground? Well you will notice your Self AWARENESS of your GIFTS expressed through your active Vision centre is going through a recapitulation this week! Incredible Goal awareness and Vision Shift! Let’s reflect on this together….shall we? Things are heating up!
First of all let’s describe how your flow of Energy is changing and weaving through the body. From the HEART on down through ALL centres…you are looking at your network of lines of force moving fast. You are on a high speed network connection to your Soul! It is like watching NASCAR racing cars speeding up on the backstretch, navigating the tight corners and merging into streams towards the finish line! Wow!
I can best describe this as a complete overhaul of how you blend and calculate your THOUGHTS, INTUITIVE REFLECTIONS and EMOTIONAL realizations to life. You are going to be very different going forward. Strong and Balanced with a “no-nonsense” attitude, but very loving too!
Life is not the same for you anymore. You are looking at your unhealthy habits of the past being GONE. You are looking at waking up in your new story each day and realizing that you can’t go backwards. The new realization of yourself does come with responsibilities though!
- You are in charge of keeping your physical body clean and healthy. Keep it pure from the trickery of the standards of the past. Just trust Nature and you will be fine.
- You are cutting all drama entanglement from your life. You are not interested and you will not be deceived.
- You are focused on your own Soul mandate and are putting your faith and TRUST in what you find in those “AHA” moments and those personal epiphanies!
- You realize that the illusion of the old paradigm had you trapped and you forgive yourself and others for that and move on.
- You accept more the Language of the Spiritual realm and recognize the need to accept yourself as a Divine emanation over the limitations of a flesh-body only.
- You accept the door opening to engage with those of LIKE Mind.
- You are no longer resistant to the power that the Universe invested in you.
- You are no longer doubting yourself and questioning your Self Worth
- You are recognizing just how capable you really are and accept the Path ahead of you.
- You welcome the Teachings of the Cosmic and Divine realm which will Shine the Light upon your Path ahead.
You likely have many more things you wish to add to this. The Gifts of the Equinox Time are often, one or more, major Self Realizations that are made as you are lifted up into a new World; New Paradigm of this Creative Fiat.
Expect this week to PROCESS all of this and spend time further in reflection on this CHANGE that is taking place. It will vary from person to person, as to how much time you need to recognize the new trajectory you are on.
Be rest assured that there may be many “pinch me so I am know I am awake” moments! You are part of the growing shift in mankind that is leading this world to brighter levels of Soul integration. We ARE ONE Universal Soul and we each play a part in this Age of mankind.
This particular Equinox Shift is impactful upon you because you have been at an intolerance level of the old. You just couldn’t see the day to day lifestyle continuing the way it was. You found that within your lifestyle there had to be major changes applied…. and now the changes are here.
With varying degrees of change for each of you, this entry into that which has been awaiting you on the other side of the DOOR, has finally arrived. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief and champion out your next steps with greater confidence.
Now you can say to yourself…..”Oh! I get it now!”
Remember to walk with those who are of Like MIND and Heart, but leave your helping hand open to assist those to whom you have been assigned….. to show them the way.
Enjoy the week ahead! Start getting used to the new order and paradigm of Life in the Cosmic Realm as you bring Heaven to Earth!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
Thank you. I appreciate your commitment to authentic content.
Thank you!! This is exactly what’s happening. <3 <3 <3