Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – October 6th to October 13th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
This week you are resolving some old KARMA. That’s right. Your efforts and actions put forth under the LIBRA Constellation, and the observing presence of Lady Justice, are all being “weighed and measured” as you correct your past whilst creating a beautifully Soul aligned future! Let’s reflect on this together…shall we?
This week’s reflections will have you exploring and resolving some of your repeating “troubles with life” and your nagging questions about “WHY” something keeps happening to you. Many of you have already been spending extensive time over the past several weeks analyzing yourself, and the underlying reasons you have been hitting those frustrating obstacles.
We are being gifted this week with solutions. How? The more effort you put into your DIVINE ALIGNMENT and the real purpose and application of all the wonderful gifts and skills the Universe has invested in you….the more CORRECTIONS you are making to your KARMA and the more UNDERSTANDING of your life you will be.
This week’s ENERGY SHIFT and GIFT is about your purposeful attention to your greatest skills. You are going to ease deeper into your own River of Soul’s Light and you are going to find the momentum of going UPSTREAM into this Light filled time cycle quite invigorating!
Yes…you are going UPSTREAM further into the outpouring Light of your own Soul and you are learning how to use that Light to continue your Journey into the Higher realms and Higher Lands of a much more fulfilling Spiritual Consciousness. As you experience more and more of this 360 degree flow within and around you….it will be lifting you up into a more precise state of Self Realization.
If, and when, you fall down in the lower streams of confusion and frustration, you feel like you actually have little to grasp onto. You blindly wrestle with one issue after another and this just keeps repeating itself. Your Choice: New Paradigm or Old Paradigm?
What you can expect to get clarity on this week is the REAL power of being fully immersed in your Soul emanation. That’s when you find yourself advancing….”for real” as the saying goes.
Dealing with your KARMA is not a punishment that is designed to plague you….but offers a gift of insight as to how to get OUT of your illusion, delusion and limited perception of your life.
This week you are going in with your HEAD STRONG by using the opposite powers to Libra MIND: The MIGHTY ARIES energy! The ARIES RAM has a powerful HEAD that represents your WILL. Use the power of both MIND and WILL whilst staying in the heart of pure LOVE.
The LIBRA Scales of Balance: JUSTICE, TRUTH and LAW are helping you with Karmic Corrections!
You are to PUSH THROUGH the mud and mire and then clean off your feet before standing in the Higher Levels of your Creative world. Lady Justice will GUIDE you! Open your heart, mind and Soul. Inform yourself of the original Energy that expresses all Life around you. Go behind the SEED. How?
This is a time to say Prayers, Meditate and Sing your praises to the CREATOR of Life rather than focusing on the hardships only and the inconveniences of it all. When you set your MIND to the task at hand…the Powers of the Universe are right there for you! This is how you will clean up more of your KARMA.
This week the ENERGY shift will bring you a huge “AHA!!!”. “Now I understand”, you will say.
“Now I understand how the old patterns created this unruly mess that I find myself sorting through.”
“Now I understand that I am very, very capable of harnessing my WILL POWER and pushing past the old negative stuff”. That is what you are going to say because you are gaining greater clarity!
You have been WAITING, and WAITING and WAITING for the veils to burn off to reveal Truth. Can you see how the great Light is helping you to now see into your future more?
The CREATOR delights in our return to Divine integration! The SYSTEMS created that help us achieve this are mind blowing! We think we are so helpless yet we have been invested with so many POWERS that need to be accessed and applied. Let’s realize our POTENTIAL this week!
Stay calm, balanced and aware this week. You are very capable of moving yourself in any direction of LIFE that you need to go. You are neither a prisoner nor captive to any of the old paradigm situations or to the time wasted being stuck in the old repeating patterns. Remember that!
So…until next time….let’s look forward to a positive week ahead and make the MOST of your own gifts of LOGIC, REASON, HIGHER MIND, SOLUTIONS, LOVE, REFLECTION and most of all your own TALENTS.
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)