Weekly Energy Shifts – October 13th to October 20th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
This week the ARIES full (Supermoon) on Thursday, October 17th pulls us into reflection to our beginning, right to our CORE. You are going to come face to face with your true Self. You will feel the “POWER” of your own first Light….your SOUL….. and very important questions will arise. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
(NOTE: This week pay close attention to the opportunities you have to lock into place your direction by giving up those traits and habits that get in the way of progress….especially stubbornness of your own will versus abiding by the WILL of Creator)
The LIBRA-ARIES duo faithfully guides us to inner reflection each year and with the accompaniment of the full moon, you will be dragging up your own “personal scorecard.” The Laws of Karma are helping you to ponder upon your honesty, motives, genuine nature, morality, love and caring.
This is the season of re-BALANCING at HARVEST TIME and the Hunter Full SuperMoon!
How you conduct yourself each day is very important to your growing consciousness. Your interaction with people in personal and professional activities are being reviewed and analyzed. In your product making, sales or service into the world you may be asked by the Laws of Life (your own inner Divine and conscience), whether you truly care about how your activities impact upon other people and the Greater Good of All.
RE-SET your ways this week! What a GIFT from the Full SuperMoon:
- We will be reflecting on how we treat others, and how harmful or uplifting our thoughts and words are to them.
- We will be reflecting on whether we are just “skimming along the surface” of life or whether we are consciously contributing to the evolution of life.
- We will be reflecting on our honesty with both ourselves and others.
- We will be reflecting on how to bring our Inner Beauty (heart) out into the world around us. Expressing our thoughts and feelings through creative expression using the gifts of the Earth is important.
- We will be reflecting on whether we are actually embodying our true Soul nature and purposefully building and creating as per our Soul mandate; or just doing our job for the monetary exchange to quickly get something done.
- We will be reflecting on our honest-to-goodness meaning of life here on Earth. Remember that you are recording everything and the Earth is certainly keeping track of what you do as well, to some degree. If you are just skipping along life and doing as you please…that all goes into the “hall of records.” Mother Earth will look after you, but you must also look after Her.
Prioritize finding out and embodying why you were born, and stop wasting time with unnecessary, mundane things. So many KARMIC CORRECTIONS can be made when you just focus on what you came to this Earth to do.
The Weekly Energy Shift is coming in DIRECTLY from the Aries/Libra Constellations supported by numerous other impactful systems at this time.
Remember the demands of the physical world WILL drain your energy, if you let it. This leaves very little time for you to focus on what really matters. Next thing you know, another day has gone by; another week or month….and you are still exactly where you were at before.
Use the RESOURCES from the gifts of ENERGY this week, to focus in on the deeper authenticity of your purpose and Inner Self. Practice liberating yourself from the excessive demands of literally unimportant matters.
Be aware of your heart-centred fulcrum that is in the pure stillness of LOVE. Be conscious of your thoughts to others and as the old verse goes: “Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You.”
This is a great week to have a SUPER CHARGED advancement in your blossoming Soul Consciousness with the FIRE of ARIES and the MIND of LIBRA! This is a RE-SET cycle of the Autumnal Energy season. We are only a few weeks into this last quarter of 2024 and you can move to greater embodiment of Soul consciousness.
The LIGHT is upon you and you are able to accelerate your STATION upon this Earth.
By the way, notice how you are going to be drawn to new colours and styles. You are going to be doing a makeover of both yourself and your surroundings to create HARMONY and FLOW in your new OFFICE of Life! Enjoy and soak up the BEAUTY of this Libra/Aries connection!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)