Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – November 10th to November 17th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
The vastly intelligent Universe is guiding your attention this week to LOVE, by shattering veils that have been causing you frustration and interrupting your plans. What an incredible awakening you will have, as you shake out of the old sleepy head fog, and realize how important your Path of Life through LOVE truly is. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
There are legendary stories of men and women who have surpassed the great challenges and defeated the entanglement to illusion, pain and suffering, through a Spiritual process of self analysis and deep reflection. They found the Divine Love within them, developed their MIND through Spiritual reflection and study, discipline and dedication. They followed the instructions for the Return Path to Divine integration, and made great strides by doing so.
Once the veils drop away and love stirs in your heart, the true understanding of the STORY of Creation begins in your life, because you realize you have a PURPOSE. You start to seek out just where you come from, why you are born and the meaning of your life.
Life is not a disorganized “ransacking mess” here on this planet, but a very well organized and powerfully connected stream, with branches of multiple levels of Intelligence, spiritually and energetically connected to you. You have a PURPOSE.
The shadows of illusion certainly block the Light of Truth and the incredible presence of LOVE. Both are eager for you to now recognize and acknowledge their existence. Love is instrumental in the growing path of self discovery, and to leave it out would be a “mighty clout to your belly” and a consequential disturbance to your entire health system.
Watch this week as you begin to find yourself taking moments to just observe the most beautiful things in and around you. Smile to yourself as you see the “hand of the Creator” in what you are viewing.
Sit down and create your plans for personal goals and dreams, build your business, and aspire to manifest from the heart…….not for the money, fleeting moment of fame, or to stay in the stressful competitive race.
We have a FULL MOON in Taurus this Friday, November 15th with its impact hitting you all week…. building up to it. Most people in the world will be focusing their energy on MATERIAL things only, but you will see through all this, and hold your Conscious awareness on LOVE first, the Will of Creator and the “modus operandi” of the MIND of Creator.
When you pour love into your work, your creative projects and your day-to-day living, you unloosen the confusing, disturbing strings and reductive thought patterns that threaten to tie you up in misery longer.
With love in your heart you will blossom. Your heart is designed for EXPANSION and RETURN of flow in the re-giving. You are an emanation of LOVE, and YOU are creating the most beautiful life story.
Check in to see what needs your attention:
- Are you happy?
- Are you feeling joy in your heart at the start of each day?
- Are you following the structure and practices that will break through the limitations?
- What is it that “snaps” you back into alignment with Love? A thought? A deep breath with Source?
If you are not happy, then you are not including your heart centre and the inherent LOVE that is inside of you. Ask yourself why? Each day there is something around you and inside of you that is unified with the Love of the Divine. Is it your child’s eyes full of love? Is it the fresh fruits and vegetables that you just shopped for and will eat? Is it the sound of Nature that you just heard while walking?
This week you are to sit down and meditate with gratitude, on what is at the very CORE and ORIGIN of all that you are. You are not defined by the THING you are doing….You are “behind” all that. Your Divine consciousness exists as One with the ALL, that is behind the lens of your physical eyes.
This week you are going to be best served with this Energy Shift, by sitting down and asking yourself just WHY you chose your particular business, or have a dream to reach out into the world, or want to fulfill a particular desire in this life? Is the reason and answer because you are so immersed in LOVE when you think and reflect on it? Does the visualization and creation of such a future for yourself feel warm and expand your heart? Ahhhh…now you are realizing something very special about yourself.
Love is a PRINCIPLE of Creation that we can feel and be conscious of at every level of yourself. When you close your eyes and start your deep breathing as you connect with Divine Source, your Soul and the God of your heart, you are lifted UP into LOVE. There is often no words to describe such an experience.
Why then, are we not in the STATE of alignment to LOVE all the time? Why are you feeling so much tension and inconsistency and often battling to stay in alignment to LOVE, when you KNOW how important it is and how it makes you healthy?
The Angelic Ones ask you the same question. Why would you choose to NOT be in alignment with LOVE? As mentioned before, a relatively few number of great human beings over time, did in fact, emanate LOVE…..and we called them the Christed Ones, Masters, Saints and Divinely Illuminated Ones. Why not you?
Many of them left us instructions as to how to achieve this state of ONENESS to LOVE. Isn’t it time that you stopped repeating disillusionment….and instead choose to walk in their footprints? After all, it has been proven effective or else we would not be honouring them as we do! Once self-realized, you will find yourself creating your own footprints.
This week we come back to our hearts and begin remembering what is truly important.
- Is LOVE woven into your personal, family and professional plans?
- Are you holding important discussions and meetings to ensure that the OTHER person is cared for?
- That YOU are cared for?
What a great week ahead! You are going to FEEL the LOVE in and around you from the Spiritual Cosmic waves coming in. The “arrow” of Divine Love will pierce your heart! Veils of illusion will fall away even more!
Enjoy! Let the love of the beautiful Divine Universe in!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)