Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – November 24th to December 1st, 2024

Hi Everyone!
This week we wrap up the month of November and for many that will mean attending family holiday events for social exchange, a busy week of work, or the choice for a quiet time of rest and relaxation. Whatever it is you are choosing to do this week it will involve a lot of ENERGY being processed through the Solar Plexus which houses both your intellectual AND intuitive channels. Let’s reflect on the importance of this week’s ENERGY shift…..shall we?
Before the New Moon next Sunday, December 1st in Sagittarius, you have some sorting out to do. This week’s “gift” comes to you in the form of SUPPORT for balancing out, clearing up overwhelm and distilling confusion. You want to be in a better position of clarity in your life as it can be most annoying being frustrated with “belly” issues where emotions do tend to get stored.
The solar plexus is a huge CENTRE and as human beings striving to reintegrate back up into our own Spiritual alignments where peace and enlightenment reside, the day-to-day act of being happy can become just that….an ACT. You don’t wish to “act” happy….you would much prefer to BE HAPPY!
The guidance from the Inner Temple this week is that you must not let this one get away on you. It is VERY important that you do give yourself the time to solve the issues blocking your Energy Paths or Meridians in the navel region for better circulation up to the Heart….just for starters.
Running along the surface of life and bouncing around “hither and yon” from place to place, will not help matters this week. Take a breath; take a break. Hit the PAUSE button and dedicate your time to find security in the direction you are going through quiet reflection.
Any emotional build up in the body leads to tension in the musculoskeletal system and this in fact becomes the root cause of many illnesses. To counter this you want to go deeper into the underlying causes of your tension, distancing and desire to just perch yourself up there in the mental body to escape it all.
The Spiritual ENERGY coming in this week actually has its origin in SATURN of all places! What? Yes…this is unusual? Not really because the ENERGY is cyclical in nature and has returned (great trait of Saturn) with special offerings of a pre-season Blessing of Christ Consciousness. This is just one of the many SOURCES of this week’s energy shift!
You know you don’t want tension and emotional upset at the sacred time of the December 21st Solstice, so we are Blessed with the offerings of a transformational cleansing time this week. Mother Nature would be happy to see you walking the shores near the water, through a path carved out between the stately trees, or even to just take time out and listen to the birds singing nearby. Choose your destiny.
(Has anyone noticed that you have been “feeling” Christmas Energy yet the calendar does NOT MATCH with your feelings? That’s because the Sun is actually setting earlier than normal which is more attuned to the Solstice time. Here’s a quick note from Astronomers: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28. Does the Sun already seem to be setting about as early as it ever will? You’re right! We’re still nearly a month from the winter solstice — but the Sun sets its earliest around December 7th if you’re near latitude 40° north. And already the Sun sets within only about 2 minutes of that time. A surprising result of this: The Sun actually sets a trace earlier on Thanksgiving than on Christmas — even though Christmas is around solstice time! But in celestial mechanics, every abnormality is balanced out by an equal abnormality somewhere else. The offset of the earliest sunset from the solstice date is balanced out by the opposite happening at sunrise: The Sun doesn’t come up its latest until January 4th. Blame the tilt of Earth’s axis and the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit.
Okay…back to the Weekly Energy Shift…..This week it is best that you remember, that you are not here to “FIT IN” but instead to find your own unique Self. This will come from your quiet time. DO spend a lot of time this week in the quiet and reflection of your own Inner nature.
Your Solar plexus (liver, gall bladder, stomach/digestion, pancreas, and adrenals) will all thank you very much if you would not continue to worry, stress or agitate your NERVE PLEXUS with a jumping mind that is racing in search of answers. Relax and let the answers FLOW from your own SOUL.
The ENERGY SHIFT this week is placing you into alignment with your own TRUTH and LIGHT as the “TIME SHIFT of this CYCLE” is sneakily and lovingly slipping in an early Solstice gift of the Higher Christ state of LOVE!
You will be fine. Bring something into your life that represents peace. Maybe you like to light a candle during your meditation, sit on your mat and breathe, or journal the sweet words of your Divine Soul into your book. Choose PEACE.
The Solar plexus doesn’t need more NOISE and flurry, excess and discomfort. It just wants to FEEL you consciously engaging with good thoughts, conversations that are positive, laughter and playfulness with children, warmth and love with your favourite pets, and of course, a well-paced schedule.
Let the good HEALTH vibe IN this week. Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Emotional Health and Physical Health. In that order. The FLOW this week from the Energy Shift is a Blessing and Offering that each one of us can surely use right now.
This week is a great preparation for the New Moon on Sunday when things will “rev up” as we enter the 21 day countdown to Solstice. Such anticipation for one of the most sacred times of the year when we go into the HEART and receive the outpouring from the Universal Divine into our CROWN centre in the pineal gland as the special integration occurs. (More on that in later writings)
For now this week it is all about your SOLAR PLEXUS. Lay your own healing hands of Light gently upon your stomach above your navel. Feel yourself breathing and send LOVE to your body. No need to get pulled into “hyper-activity”. It is best to just pull your energy back into yourself and build up your strength, peace, Light and Love.
Work on a project that feels right for you and don’t let anything interrupt that. You may find yourself wanting to spend hours in your own “zone” working and reflecting joyfully on this project of yours. It may be something simple or complex. You will find your own enjoyment and feel satisfied with the experience when you do it peacefully. Ahhhhhh….nice. I think you are already feeling that shift now.
It is so nice to have that time for yourself to do what you LOVE to do. That’s what these ENERGY PATHS are waiting for you to choose as well. Remember that the flow of positive and loving energy is yours to choose and enjoy.
Great week ahead!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)