Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – December 8th to December 15th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
As we move closer to the sacred Solstice time of December 21st this year, many of you are feeling a need to be closer to “the God of your Heart” and perhaps struggling to find the time to do that. Perhaps you have been finding it difficult to “connect” lately and are wondering why? Let’s reflect together on this most transformative time of the year together…..shall we?
Our human family carries a great deal of weight upon themselves and many variations of a broken heart within, and you yourself may be wondering just how to heal that which you carry upon your own heart at this time. You may be calling out for help.
The days leading up to Solstice are a very sacred time when many Blessings, guidance and hope is found, as the veils become thinner and more transparent between the shadows of illusion and the radiance of Truth and Light. Reflect deeply on that which you need help with and sit with earnest intention to receive.
You will find during this week’s Energy shift that the presence of the Divine Mother is overwhelmingly beautiful and comforting to you, as you process your own thoughts and troubles that you seek to heal. Your angst will be settled by this great Presence and Grace.
Be particularly aware of the Spiritual waves of energy and messages that are coming through to you this week, be it through meditation, nature or other Angelic essences that are arriving in increasing numbers to assist you.
The Angelic presence upon this planet standing shoulder to shoulder with the human family is exponentially growing, as it is necessary for each of us to heal and transform our lineage shadows and recover our rejected fragments in order to be whole once again.
The Universal Mother speaks to your heart and embraces you with love, holding you close to Her heart in ways you can only imagine, but is always there for you. Right now you are likely feeling in your life the weight of the world or your own worry or concern for your loved ones upon your shoulders. You will experience incredible support as you become aware of how your own Light presence of Universal Being within you is affecting others through these changing times. Use your own practice of breath work to engage your strengthening connection to the All Powerful Mother and Father of Creation. You are not disconnected at all….you just need to acknowledge the Greater peace and hope by quietly breathing with All through silent presence.
Sit quietly with intention and let the Voice of the Cosmic Universe of Light and Love cascade through you and immerse you with such Divine energy that you feel the release of your own pain….breathe it out. You needn’t carry that anymore as the Celestial Forces are present to shift the Path that you are currently walking on.
Trust in that which is happening for you that will pick you up and place you upon a new level as you move across the threshold over the weeks ahead. It starts to really pick up in power now, and over the next 12 days, culminating with your own personal illumination at Solstice. (Note to yourself…the meaning of the number 12 and how it generates a response in you. What is the first thought that comes to you right now?)
Together we can create a better world and future for yourself, your family and the Greater Good by welcoming and engaging the multiple levels of Spiritual alignment. Pay attention to what “shows up” for you, that “seeks you out” to support you, and build you up, just as much as you are seeking! The Blessings work both ways! The energy flow is a circuitry that ascends and descends, in a spiral of vibration and frequency that is exhilarating, yet balanced.
The Great Ones know of your personal struggles and experiences, thus the call out across the Universe is a Clarion call with extensive reach to the magnificent celestial Ones! Our world; your personal world….is not left out but bound for Glory.
In conclusion, we are to turn our thoughts inward to our hearts and relinquish the overthinking, worry, stress and agitation now. If you overthink, you block the channel of your greater intelligence and Universal Mind that has your back! Trust and perhaps stop fidgeting with things that are ultimately unimportant relative to the POWER that is trying to serve you!
Let the greater powers of the Universal Divine come to your aid and embrace you whilst shining a Light upon your Path to show you the way. Accept this help by sharing your thoughts and needs whilst in prayer or reflective meditative practice. You will be pleasantly surprised what realm of Beauty and Love shows up in response to your communication. Just be open to receive and trust with all your heart, in the Oneness and Unified connection that is inherently yours…..and always has been yours.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Kathy this is one of the most beautiful pieces you have written. It has filled me up and I feel bathed in the light and love and wisdom and acceptance it emanates. Sending it right back to you with gratitude and grace.
Marylee….I appreciate your comment very much! Many Good Wishes to you!!