Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – December 15th to December 22nd, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Your Sunday starts with an impactful Full Moon in Gemini which has been commonly called, a “Cold Moon” indicating the shift happening in the Northern Hemisphere. Regardless of where you live in the world, the Energy Shift this week draws our hearts and minds to a much bigger story, as we move closer to Solstice on December 21st. This story is called the “Great Remembrance” by the Cosmic and Divinely Illuminated, meaningfully told, to awaken mankind from a life mistakenly lived, only upon its surface. Let’s reflect on this Sacred time cycle together…..shall we?
You may have noticed that your greatest concerns and troubles in life lately, have been accompanied by your greatest hopes and dreams rising up to the forefront as well. The polarity of such a duo has long feigned each of us, tricking us, and is all a part of this sacred journey we are on. This week is no exception, as we move closer to the “breaking of the veils” of illusion through the special Solstice time. The darkness is said to feel the darkest, just before the Light of enlightenment! Your experiences of intensity, therefore, are quite expected.
You likely have been already experiencing many different intense clashes, upsets and realizations over the last week or so, because this cycle has begun, and is accelerating. You will have both incredible bursts of visions during this time, as well as being on “clean up crew” for the residuals of your own shadows going through transformation.
Still feeling confused regarding your future? Anytime we have confusion in our minds, it suggests perplexity, lack of understanding, hesitation, uncertainty and bewilderment. With this lack of decisiveness, it is very challenging indeed to create 2025; and your future. What to do?
According to the Cosmic Masters, The World is about to engage in a Celestial Occurrence called the Great Remembrance on Solstice, 2024.
Know Thyself! This is the very first directive on the “Scroll of Life” that is shared with us, as we engage with this Sacred Time of the Great Remembrance.
During this week’s Energy Shift into alignment to receive our Solstice Gifts, Sacred Blessings and Healing, we must put our intention to the forefront, in order to end all confusion and illusion, thus setting down our decision to truly seek and find out, just who we are, and why we are born.
Many of you would agree, that whatever you have been repeatedly triggered by, blocked by, or most frustrated with, cannot continue to be an obstacle for you in 2025. There is a resounding determination that you feel inside to transform this, therefore one could acknowledge that their WILL POWER is certainly intact!
Next, you have to go deeper into your heart, and blend this will power, with your own peaceful and enveloping immersion into the deeper feeling of connectivity to your Soul and the Universal Divine. You will sit with your intention of transforming this old repetitive pattern in the quiet and solitude of your own Heart, with Love.
The Mind contribution is equally important to bring out the greatest potential of this Week’s Energy shift leading up to Solstice. Now is the time to set out a clear definition of what you are about to create with the help of the cosmic. But maybe you are not quite sure?
To obtain the greatest benefit, we need to exert our own conscious efforts to combine with the Soul powerful forces within, and you WILL find direction from the Cosmic during this Time of Solstice! Thinking and Reflecting this week, adds STRENGTH to your MIND, which will clear the confusion and distill the clouds, that have caused fogginess to your thoughts.
What an illustrious Celestial Event we are about to engage! Solstice 2024! The time when the most Supreme and sublime realms of the higher Spiritual planes are most accessible!
You will REMEMBER to varying degrees, the most significant attributes of your Master Soul Personality and begin to gain, in leaps and bounds, insight as to the deeper meaning of your life.
The whole world is being scooped up into the “Hands of the Divine Universe” and therapeutically massaged with the Light of the Christ Consciousness with forces that are forever present, but particularly potent at this time. Enhance this time exponentially with your willingness to receive!
It is TIME to remember who you are. It is a TIME when each of us can turn inward and enjoy breathing in Oneness….KNOWING that we have a unique Part in all of Creation. Do you wish to remember? To Know?
May the Blessed Cosmic Solstice Event of the Great Remembrance, lift you up into your own personal KNOWING…. of just who you are, and why you are born!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
P.S. Looking to partake in a Solstice Guided Meditation for Healing and Personal Enlightenment? I will be doing a live insightful presentation of the Energy of 2025 as well….. on Zoom at 11 am. EST on Saturday, December 21st, 2024. You will also receive 3 other guided meditations to help you to clear your Energy field for Solstice. Register here: https://kathyroseborough.com/product/21-day-spiritual-healing-preparation-for-solstice/