Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – January 12th to January 19th, 2025

Hi Everyone!
We are right in the thick of the Cancer Full Moon now and its early reach and impact has been profoundly deep for several days already. During these accelerated shifts in consciousness, there is no TIME to be dragging the broken, fragment pieces of yourself along in a trail behind you. That won’t work. Healing and Integration of these fragments is the only way forward, because your emotional body is in need of blending more harmoniously with where your Mind is taking you during this positive turn of events in 2025. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
The Cancer constellation/Full Moon alignment, is prompting you into a full review of life right now triggering your oldest core issues that have their roots in a false belief of “fear and separation”. Any anxiety, depression, stress, angst and emotional instability symptoms are a consequence of this deeper rooted fear and it causes you to tell stories….yes lies…to yourself and others about how you really feel. Maybe the truth is…that you are emotionally feeling lost, confused or uncertain about something in your life and are unable to share, but just go on each day pretending? How long can that go on for without further consequence?
The “rawness” of this full moon is uncovering the pain you carry and have carried, inside of you for what seems to be aeons of time. It can’t stay in there anymore because it is the most uncomfortable feeling and DOES NOT FIT with everything that you actually want, dream of, live for and have your mind set on…especially with relation to your Soul Purpose for this life. So what the heck is that all about? Your troubled emotional body and false beliefs clearly do not work with your Soul’s Light and Truth.
You may be finding yourself panicking about the challenge of this and wondering what to do, or you may be in the midst of solving this once and for all by facing it head on! Hopefully you are now choosing the latter. The GIFT of this Full Moon in Cancer is the incredible support and extensive love that the Cosmic is offering you right now to use, as you navigate through the mess of false beliefs, self deception and hidden emotions to finally reach and stand in your TRUTH.
Just what is all this emotion that is being pulled up to the surface? You may ask, “Why have I been suffering for so long and why do I try to hide it or lie to protect myself or another?”
We suffer silently, lie, deceive ourselves by falsely believing what was told to us, and try to avoid being found out, because we don’t allow ourselves to align and receive the one thing we need the most….which is Love. As children you may have learned to tell stories, for example, in order to protect yourself, avoid punishment, hide shame, or avoid disappointment, and as you grow in age this can get away on you, erupting into story telling for manipulation, control or just to look better to the eyes of others for love and acceptance.
The incredible Energy Shift this week that is “already underway right now”, is offering you a major SHIFT that will reveal to you through epiphany, that you are not separated from Love, Light and the Cosmic Plan at all, nor are you to continue to suffer from the on-going false stories you absorbed throughout life since your early years (as well as stored in the Soul records). You will have great realizations, that the unconscious state of your parents, family, friends and community likely continued to feed the false narrative of fear and separation. This requires analysis to ascertain. What is vitally important right now is for you to come to know the Truthful expression of your Soul.
You “cannot” be separated from Truth, Light and Love because it is your inherent birthright through your Soul connection. What many are going to realize during this TIME & ENERGY SHIFT across the globe, is that there is no basis for our oldest fears of separation, isolation and being left out of LOVE. In fact, it is a bunch of malarkey. Separation from the Divine Love is rubbish and is the actual Big Lie that we all fell for…literally fell out of the beatitude of our Divine State for!
You may have locked into humanity’s collective fear which of course is traumatizing…but there is “something inside of you that resonates with Truth” that you are searching for!
Watch how you will be unravelling the stories, lies and false narratives from your childhood and life you have been living going forward, with the “Beautiful Light of Truth” pouring into your conscious awareness, especially during this Weekly Energy Shift and the Full Moon in Cancer, as you will realize that this is the turning of the HOURGLASS towards the GREAT REMEMBRANCE time cycle we live in. This pouring in of TRUTH is taking place all over the world and you will personally experience more of it!
Yes…the sands of the Hourglass are now flowing and the GREAT REMEMBRANCE has been underway since Solstice, which is astonishing people with Self realizations. What an incredible time we are living in where the Truth is being revealed more and more about just who we really.
You are going to have all sorts of memories flipping through your mind (it already started actually), and as you play back these memories you are going to realize that at the ROOT of your unpleasant experiences that are now healing and reintegrating through Love, was FEAR.
Okay…let’s stop here now and begin to process this. What is still ahead of you is a mound of narratives of varying sizes unique to you, that you are sorting through. It will be much easier now that you realize you have the power to stop all this old “breath holding fear” and resolve this ongoing emotional problem. Stand up for yourself now and step into the Truth about how you wish to live your life.
Living in Truth is so much more refreshing than having to carry the burden of false stories and emotional baggage in your body. Ugh! Too hard on your health !
Enjoy the many intuitive insights you will have this week! Wow! I absolutely LOVE how the Cosmic is taking us up the spiralling vortex of Self Realization and Truth. What a better world we will all live in! The Hourglass of TIME has spoken to us from Universal Source!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates do not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)
Many blessings! Thanks Kathy!