Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – January 19th to January 26th, 2025

Hi Everyone!
With so much emotional upheaval and spontaneous healing over the last week, it is refreshing to step into the Energy Shift of the Aquarius Constellation today as you focus on what your future brings to you. Let us not forget though, that the Constellation Capricorn did leave us with a firm message to “seek within and you shall find that which you are searching for.” The open portal gives you access to the greater power within, and now is the time to build your future with the Mastership of your Mind. Let’s reflect on this together…..shall we?
So many questions we all have about our future! How do we navigate the accelerated changes we are experiencing? How do we find the answers? Who do we trust and what is real anymore?
Curve ball: Given the fact that the USA is about to enter into a new era of world stage influence under a new leader, many are hopeful that this may bring to their lives some “indicators” of change that they have been looking for. While there will certainly be impactful changes coming during the weeks and months ahead, we mustn’t rely on the external, material world to change our lives. See the external resources as the necessary SUPPORT during these energy shifts. The changes, as we have been instructed by the Divine, should come from your co-creative skills found within. What about personal responsibility and personal accountability?
At this time on the planet, we are truly blessed with many opportunities to be successful on so many levels…from personal health, well-being, family and home…to professional success and comfort attained through our work efforts. We are not in the Dark Ages, we are in an Age of expanding consciousness of MIND and CREATIVITY and LOVE! This truly is the transitional shift of the Golden Age we are experiencing. It does come though with an ongoing need to let go of the old habits and fixed lower mind beliefs that were set in the past. Can you promise yourself to continue to do that?
If individually you can commit to diving deeper into your own personal shifts with contribution of change to the collective whole for the Greater Good, then we will see an even greater acceleration of outward change on the planet. This is the perfect time to be making this commitment to yourself.
This week’s Energy shift between Constellations signs, is one that encourages each of us to boldly accept the Truthful guidelines of the Cosmic, and begin to take a greater responsibility for the changes required in our own lives, by embodying a life where the blend of Spiritual MIND, Spiritual Love and Spiritual Will power takes the lead!
If we all drive the effective power of MIND collectively towards a continued anchoring and progression of good health and well being, while the planet provides to us such rich and abundant resources, then “WE” are creating a powerful future together. “WE” are then using our Heart, Mind and Soul powers the way they were intended. But, if instead, we just sit and wait for the few people in office of a political power either locally or around the globe to change our lives, then we are “whistling into the wind” and can expect to lag behind.
This is a week where you would be wise to sharpen your personal awareness up to include the realization that the Cosmic has opened the curtains up for you, (since you were so good at letting go of old programming during the past Cancer Full Moon), and is now inviting you onto your Path to a brighter future! Take the step forward and trust in yourself.
Invest in yourself. We are in the early weeks of the quarter from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox, and you should be doing analysis and reflection on your life needs and requirements. The “Master within you” is poised and set always to be right there for you as the DRIVER of your personal daily life.
QUESTION for YOU: What are you learning, about the difference between living from your lower personality intellect versus listening and being conscious of the Higher voice of the Master within?
There is an incredible difference and this is what you should now dedicate more time to explore and to build trust with. Earlier these questions were asked….”how do we find answers, who do we trust and what is real anymore?” Now do you see that the gift from this ENERGY SHIFT will be answering these questions for you? That the Master within is your Pathway of Truth and Light? Make the decision to go and get those answers now from within. You are co-creating your future!
The week ahead may have its roller-coaster moments, but in fact if you give yourself quiet time to reflect and think, there are many realizations that will be made. Agree to connect the dots now, and use the power of your own MIND. Enjoy!
(Please note that Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates does not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)