Weekly Spiritual Energy Shift Updates – Feb 9th to Feb 16th, 2025

Fireworks over the cityscape at night

Hi Everyone!

The ENERGY SHIFT this week is likened to a “Fireworks” show of colour against a beautiful dark sky! “Vibrant, Innovative, Creative and Extraordinary” are a few words that come to mind to describe the Self realizations and unprecedented Cosmic direction you are receiving. Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?

The Full moon is in Leo on Wednesday, February 12th, and already Uranus (the planetary buddy of Aquarius) is cracking those limiting veils inside of your Mind. Everyone is impacted by the change and this is a time for you to CHOOSE to accept the Higher Guidance. Put your Side Blinders ON and take the necessary action to move into your new direction.

The beauty of all of this….is that you KNEW. You absolutely KNEW this time was coming and now it is here. With so many steps and side steps taken for so long, you have been waiting for that break or crack in the barrier veil inside of you to finally open. Well my friends….not only has the cracking open begun, but the PULLING BACK of the veil is also taking place!

This week I suggest you make time for both yourself, and with those of “LIKE MIND” to develop what the Divine Universe is telling you. TRUST. Right now the train is scheduled to leave the station and you are the ENGINEER.

Where are you going? Up the winding mountain Spiritual Path, of course! In some of the most non-traditional ways and means, you are going to live your life so differently now.

GONE are days of doubt. No more. Take that step and begin to embrace the new livelihood, new daily practices and routines, new skills and recognizable gifts that you hold inside of you.

The word “remarkable” doesn’t do justice to the Light of Truth that is blazing through to your conscious mind now. You CREATE with your thoughts; your MIND. So it is very important now that you are trained to use your thoughts and words wisely.

That which you THINK; you will CREATE. Therefore, a. PLAN is key.

Whether you are feeling a stirring inside of you, or an explosion of creativity going on inside of you, it is time to be trained. The method of development of your spiritual power is important and practice is essential. During this enlightening AGE of mankind we all need a stable foundation and a clear plan of approach, direction and execution.

This week is just the start and it has already begun as you are reading this. You likely started toying and dabbling with this over the past couple of weeks, even going back as far as last Solstice in December, 2024 or for some even further. Deeper inside of you….you always knew the day would come when you would see the curtain finally open.

This extraordinary Uranus/Leo/Aquarius/Sun/Moon grouping is quintessential of the surprising realizations from your Cosmic Heart and Mind power.

Enjoy the week ahead! You are going to need a fresh, BLANK VISION BOARD to draw on for this one!

In Light and in Peace,


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