Weekly Spiritual Energy Shifts & Updates – February 23rd to March 2nd, 2025

Hi Everyone!
This Thursday, Feb 27th, we have a New Moon in Pisces that is inviting us to explore how we are feeling about our new adventure, that we really only just “dipped a toe” into so far this year in 2025. With Pisces being associated with WATER, emotions, imagination and a keen directive on how to charter across the dreamy ocean of life in harmony with our own Soul’s Plans, your head may be “swimming with questions” about what is going to happen next! Let’s reflect on this together…..shall we?
We can only imagine what it must have felt like when the seafaring Explorers first set their eyes on land ahead of them and were experiencing a range of emotions coursing through them. Land ho! Prompts me to ask you:
How are you feeling about navigating your own new story of life ahead, now that you are getting a better glimpse of your own destination and the land ahead?
Perhaps each of you can relate to the times when your own emotions can be quite uplifting and sometimes quite exhausting! Best that we learn to regulate ourselves and stabilize our emotions with one hand on our Masterful Soul Plan via our “Triune Sceptre of Life” and the other hand firmly, yet gently upon the physical world that we live in (turtle). Note the depiction of the Mighty Poseidon having left His own story to teach us about Mastership over the Element of Water, as a God of the Sea, whilst sharing with us the importance of maintaining balance in all the other elements of life as well! That’s a story that is left as a model for us all!
This Week’s Energy Shift is about 3 important matters:
- EMOTIONS – You are going to be aware of your feelings, and emotional triggers, making sure that they do not RULE you but instead communicate and educate you regarding areas of your life where you need to purge, detox and make corrections to move forward. Let yourself explore how you are feeling about your current situation in life and express those feelings through speaking, journalling, art or other favourite means of release and reflection.
- HEALING & WATER – impurities in the fluidic systems of your body benefit from gaining some attention from you. Do you drink enough water? Are you feeling sluggish, constipated or toxic? Be observant and make the comfortable changes that you need to as the New Moon in Pisces will be nudging you towards doing this. This week you are healing some old, rather nasty attitudes that concretized into health issues. We all need to face these and not ignore them….so take advantage of the New Moon energy and begin to love that part of yourself that was uncharacteristically misaligned with Divine Love.
- IMAGINATION – CREATIVITY – Let it flow people! Especially as we are navigating all sorts of new story telling that is shaping us. There “IS” land ahead and there “IS” a new foundation being created by your Soul! Tap into your emotional vibe being lifted with your imagination, story and engagement! You do have plenty of passion in your heart and Soul about new projects and new stories. Great week to let yourself dream…BIG!
This Week’s Spiritual Energy Shift highlights your WATER body; your emotions and HEALING. Identifying just how you are feeling and how this impacts your life and your health is essential to personal Mastership. You CHOOSE to be healthy by creating an environment where, like Nature, there are special sacred pockets to sit or stand in. Choose places both physically and within your own consciousness that bring you a tremendous connection to the Divine within you.
Let’s come back to the Sea analogy, and the domain of the Mighty Poseidon. He tells us that the Captain of the ship that was out searching for the new lands would often watch the supplies dwindling on the ship and were concerned whether there would be “enough” to get the men and themself, to their unknown destination.
What will this unknown territory bring? Am I a good Captain? Have I prepared enough? The Captain takes a deep breath and finds deep within himself the determination, courage and a significant TRUST in his own intuition. The same intuition that he used to get here. He can feel the OCEAN that carried him here surrounding him. He never looked back but maintained his ship’s course for land.
You are likely taking stock of your own self and wondering if you are “enough” and have what it takes to obtain safe passage into your own new world and new experience. Be assured that your Soul and the Universe is extraordinarily Intelligent and has made you perfectly aligned to your story.
Know this: With your WILL POWER steering the SHIP forward towards that new land, ready to engage a new chapter of life ahead of you, most certainly the Divine has supplied you with all that you need to step into your new role….by both being “enough” and having “enough.”
Enjoy the week ahead!
(Please note that Weekly Spiritual Energy Shifts & Updates does not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)