Weekly Spiritual Energy Shifts & Updates – March 2nd to March 9th, 2025

Hi Everyone!
Countdown to Equinox (March 20th, 2025) has begun! Now is the time for you to shift your attention towards your “year-end” wrap up. Starting from March Equinox in 2024 to now in March of 2025, you have some self-analysis and self-reflection to do with regard to your health, spiritual path and professional/personal expression. How has the last year been for you? Let’s reflect on this together….shall we?
We have all gone through some form of a metamorphosis over the past year and it is prudent to be very engaged in defining and understanding just where you are at now in your life. You’ve changed. It is wise to know just specifically how you have changed and for what reasons you have changed.
Have you changed over the last year due to your own conscious efforts? Are you the Master of your own destiny?
Have you changed over the last year due to the environment around you? The people? The conversations around you?
Most importantly, have you changed at the rate of the changes of mass consciousness? Or at the accelerated rate by your own efforts to shift to another level of vibration and Mindset?
Now is the time to learn how to live consciously!
Interesting that we are exploring this currently. You are wrapping up an entire year of your life and it is critical to know just where you are at. It is equally important that by March 20th 2025, you have determined your plans for the coming year. The entire human family spiritually shifts at this auspicious time of the planetary/stellar cycle, no matter where you are in the world, to a greater or lesser degree.
Equinox is ALWAYS a time when we experience a shift in consciousness and feel an inherent URGE to start something new. Equinox marks the beginning of Spring and is a time of rebirth, so you will wish to make the most of it. Spring season (March 20th to June 20th, 2025) is a great time to have events, launch new projects ideas, open up a business, get your personal expression out into the world, and as Natures laws dictate; feel that “love is in the air” goodness!
You must first get yourself aligned and prepared for the Spring Equinox shift!
Grab yourself a notebook. It is time for you to start your reflective, self analysis that you can get underway now with baby steps or massive strides. You are looking for areas of your life that have improved, areas that are still lacking attention, as well as acknowledging those amazing self-realizations that have occurred in your life while you are preparing for Equinox.
- Careful analysis of your daily regime of health activities including the food you eat, exercise routines, breathing and sleep patterns. What needs to be modified to bring you better health?
- Have you been to the dentist lately? Received a soothing therapeutic massage for your muscles? A spinal alignment or deeper healing treatment? Do you give your physical body enough attention?
- Careful analysis of what you read, watch and engage in on social media including global gossip, news and the like. Are you polluting your own psychic centres?
- Careful analysis of your time spent on electronic devices/screen time with proper breaks?
- Careful analysis of your vocabulary including foul/unappealing words. Are you exposed to people who drone on about unimportant subject matter called “monkey chatter?” This will drain you.
- Careful analysis of the amount of time you spend wisely expanding upon your knowledge, deep diving into subject matters that are important to you.
- Reflection on your emotional needs being met. How are the open and honest discussions coming along for you with those that you love?
- Reflection on your needs being met from a nurturing environment of nature, adventure, or downtime away from the bustle of city life.
- Reflection on whether your life style is meeting your innermost cravings and fulfillment for creativity and connection to your loftier spiritual nature through journaling, writing, art, music, dance, sound baths, meditation, or whatever it takes for you to increase your connection to Universal Divine Source.
- Reflection on what you do for a living professionally and whether it is aligned with your Soul mandate? We spend many, many hours of our lives at our profession and it is important that it is fulfilling.
Let’s just start there! Whew! I think that is a good start as you begin to analyze in the weeks ahead just where you are at. You can tackle the “where are you going” question as clarity ensues.
This is a wonderful time of the year as you will start to feel the very subtle changes happening upon the Earth around you. Daily and weekly energy shifts are very impactful upon you now, as you are going to emerge soon from the old year in a few weeks time under the emanating FIRE power of Aries at Spring Equinox.
This Week’s Spiritual Energy Shift is going to SHAKE YOU UP!
Due to your reflections this week, a major MENTAL power will arise in you. Old procrastinations and excuses will be met by a strong MIND within you. You are going to find some interesting surges of Spiritual Flames going on inside of you. These will BURN OFF (transformation) from your life any energy ties to people, activities, clutter, old patterns and procrastinations that have been nagging at you for a long time. Oh you may have “thought” about this already….but now you are actually going to do something about it! The only road to success and great health will be through your engagement with your Spiritual Paths that take you upward to the infinite Wisdom of the All.
So it seems that Spring cleaning has already begun!
Enjoy your week ahead!
(Please note that Weekly Spiritual Energy Shifts & Updates does not use AI generated content as I believe our own MINDS are more beautiful and powerful to guide us and the connection to our Divine Universe is sacred. Let’s always celebrate and hold on to that!)