Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – Jan 10th to Jan 16th, 2022
Hi Everyone!
Has the start to 2022 been making you raise your eyebrows a bit in wonder? Disillusionment or hesitation? Or are you just tired and wish to lay on the couch? Are you trying to make sense of “how” you are to shuffle between positive affirmations you have been told really work for creating your New Year and the lack of visibly seeing any true manifestation of change upon trying? OKAY then…full STOP. Let’s park it right here before going any further and get a handle on this so-called “new paradigm shift”…shall we? Let’s you and I reflect on this together!
“Wishing will not make it so”….even though the fairly tales tell us otherwise. Wishing and saying a few nice words will not magically put you into alignment with the Greater Source of All Things. BUT…and that’s with a Capital B….EMBRACING and LOVING your own Soul Nature; Beautiful Essence and Natural Wonder is really going to give you some traction!
1. Taking stock of JUST WHERE YOU ARE AT…is going to be number one priority and this is not just a physical inventory but at many levels. How you are doing with your physical health, emotional well being and needs, mental state and addressing level of stress, as well as picking up your daily spiritual practice, beliefs and healing is key. Don’t be shy….state what you need.
It is said that when you feel like you have fallen off track….just wake up the next day and GET BACK ON! I believe that is so very true! Don’t look back at your side-step….look forward to where you are placing your foot next!
2. You may be GOOD at many, many things…but you will be particularly skillful at ONE. Focus on the ONE skill; expression of your Soul strength that is the most obvious, important and comes to you most readily. STRETCHING into other areas is not going to help you at this time. Possibly later on yes…but not this week.
3. This week you need to put your NUMBER ONE strength into the CENTRE of your focus and then look at all its applications…all the way around that. In what ways does this particular aspect of yourself figure in business? home? family and friends? Personal creativity?
4. Money – a good number of you will have money on your mind. How to make it, use it, conserve it, spend it and pay your bills with it. If you get hung up right here…then you won’t hear your inner guidance. This year you can clear up as needed, and expand upon…your relationship with money…but NOT necessarily this week! Stop with the fretting and worry that will NOT help…but GOOD PLANNING WILL HELP!
What you WILL do is focus on your life changes that are healthy, aligned and bring you joy and peace…thus shifting the impact upon your money situation in a positive way.
5. Reason to Get up in the Morning? What to do this year? What is your Purpose? What next? All these questions will begin to be answered for you as you spend time in meditation, reflection and journalling. Consulting with those that can help you find this could prove quite beneficial to you as well.
5. Health – Most important. Direct that Love in your heart at your own needs, as well as for the Greater Good of others. The more responsible you are with your own health; the better impact for the whole! Take the lead in your family….others need to see you set the bar.
That’s enough for now….
The Energy this week is going to help LIFT you up out of the overwhelm, end the DEAD PAN staring ahead at the clock or the T.V./computer, and the time spent just talking to your Cat, Dog or yourself. (Oh I know…it’ nice talking to your cat or dog…but let’s keep this in balance! LOL !)
Shake the old dragging energy off now….jump into the deep breathing and turn OFF the excessive newsreels of repetitive stories. Create your own story! That’s why you are here!
You have a story within you to develop so let’s get started!
You know that this year can be significant and powerful…..so let’s pull it together now and get on with the task at hand!
The SUN does come up in the EAST with consistency each day; everyday to greet you! How can you resist that Beauty? I know you are smiling and in awe at the COMFORT in that! Kind of takes away the stress….doesn’t it?
Many Blessings,