Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – April 11th to 18th, 2022

April 11, 2022

Hi Everyone!

This may seem like a rather intense time for you….perhaps you are out seeking relief from “something in your life” that is bothering you, or frantic perhaps that you “SHOULD” be doing something that you are not, or even further…wishing in great earnest for your life to change. Why are you not at peace?….you may be asking yourself. Or perhaps wondering if you are living the way you are supposed to live and asking…. is this all there is to my life? Let’s reflect on this together and see if we can shed some Light on this time cycle….shall we?

ARIES.…New beginnings of the Astrological Wheel…a fresh start. Full Moon in LIBRA (Balance and good reasoning and reflection) is brilliant April 16th yet will be felt tugging on you starting around the 12th/13th. If you are not feeling very good about your life and are “THINKING” and “THINKING” about it with concern, stress and worry….then you are too much in your Head (of Aries) and not enough in the equilibrium of LIBRA….it’s polar opposite. Analyze your own situation right now. If you are experiencing too much of the following list….then you are trying too hard and will miss out on the Cosmic input.

Are you challenged with any of the following?

1. Nervousness, anxiety, tension upon awakening in the morning?

2. Irritable, frustrated and always “waiting” for something or someone to fix things? for a shift to happen? Or a breakthrough?

3. Confused as to why you can’t seem to figure out your life path and where you are supposed to go with it? Yet…have been trying so hard to understand and look for something out there to ‘fit” you?

4. Find yourself ahead of others…thinking ahead, wanting to get things done, ambitious and eager but each day seems to just pass on by?

If you have answered yes to any of the above….you are likely filled with a great deal of ACTIVE, Pos+ charge (YANG) and are now building up too much of this without understanding the impact it has on your nerve system, digestive system and ability to “hear, listen within and trust” the Spiritual aspect of yourself.

Some of you may have received a “flash” of your Spiritual purpose then you started to RUN, RUN, RUN…and you didn’t really have the whole picture! You need BALANCE and reflection and training in your life right away to get you in touch with the smooth working mechanism of the Divine Plan.

You are loving, kind, intelligent, willing, able and eager to live a good life… right? Okay then…to get your own internal SHIFT locked into place….you will need to spend time in the “Sea of Stars” where you immerse yourself in the quietude of internal guidance. (YIN) There is no clock to watch, no stress and everything you experience comes from the vast Higher World that knows you better than you know yourself.

Being ready to take the Baton and running the race with great Devotion to your Soul mandate is a wonderful thing and you are fitting yourself properly into this role. But to go out to the track without proper warm up, or clothes suitable to the environment and temperature and ill prepared for rain or heat….can mess up your plan. But is it YOUR plan or the Plan of Universe? Ahhh….that’s where you need to come back to the drafting table now and double check the rules and the plan! I’ll repeat that….are your trying to follow YOUR PLAN or the PLAN the COSMIC HAS FOR YOU? As human beings we often…very often….forget to keep checking on the “MODUS OPERANDI”.

We often JUMP too quickly and then find ourselves having more “misses” than “hits”. So PULL the reins back in and SIT DOWN. You’ll need to review just where you are at in your life and to alleviate the SYMPTOMS on the list above…you will just have to learn to listen to the Laws of the Universe….the Laws of the Stars; the Laws of Life.

1. Your physical, emotional and mental health will not thrive if there is any tension or inflammation….start with fixing that through health measures, exercises, meditation and proper nutritional practices.

2. Mental tension and PUSHING for anything in business or your own demands in life will CUT YOU OFF from the full power of your internal Soul Self. You can’t hear the soft, subtle guidance of the Universe if your INTELLECT is too INTENSE.

3. To alleviate the confusion and frantic search for yourself….you absolutely need a personal retreat and learn how to access the Inner Self where the GIANT STOREHOUSE and GREATER MIND awaits you with LOVE to guide you to your rightful place in life and to COMFORT you thus easing your suffering.

During this sacred time of the alignment with the Cardinal Cross of ARIES – LIBRA – CANCER and CAPRICORN especially during the month of April and cyclic beginnings…many people celebrate and pay attention to a variety of spiritual/religious ceremonies, teachings and personal rituals. Whatever your personal choice is…pay attention to the COSMIC PLAN.

Pay attention to the way the CYCLES of life work. This new beginning is not just a BURST out of the gate but is also a BALANCED adherence to the Natural Laws of Life and your body will thank you on many, many levels if you adhere to it.

Enjoy the week ahead and put your MIND on the VISION…your HEART aligned with the Christed Consciousness and your BODY in touch with the Blessings of the Earth.

In Light and in Peace,


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