Weekly Energy Shifts & Updates – June 23rd to June 30th, 2024

Hi Everyone!
Now that we have entered into the next seasonal quarter of the year, we start with the impactful Cancer Constellation and its “Motherly” presence nudging you. Message from Mother? GIVE and RECEIVE. Look after your health, care for yourself, others and the planet. We all need to receive love, care and nurturing….but are you allowing yourself to be open to receive? Let’s reflect on this week ahead together….shall we?
The Energy shift this week will have a very deep and profound impact as you SHIFT your BELIEFS about YOURSELF.
What world do you live in? What are your observations? It is bewildering the lack of care, concern and love the human family seems to express between its members in the collective. Is that the world and state of consciousness you live in? Certainly not where you wish to be. You may live IN this world; but you are not OF this world.
Do you still find while searching for REAL relationships with others in business, personal or in family interactions they come up fruitless; more empty than you would have hoped for. That doesn’t need to be YOUR world. What will be different this week? Lift up in vibration to shift your world and see!
It is said that, “Where your Mind is at….so Shall you be.” How do you think? What do you reflect on and how often are your own thoughts UP where they belong?
When you are looking around and find that so many good things seemingly pass you by or are fleeting, dangling like a carrot and disappearing….you must question what is causing the repulsion. The Law of Attraction and Repulsion is an interesting Universal Law, and often difficult to relate to.
You will find “repulsion” occur when it is time to LEAVE an old paradigm and surrounding….and “ATTRACTION” will draw you into the next. But many are fearful to let go of the old paradigm and find themselves straddling 2 worlds; 2 levels making for quite the uncertainty and misery.
This week the POWERFUL PULL, PUSH and SHAKE DOWN from our Beloved Mother Divine will be impacting you through the LENS of the star cluster Cancer. This will wake you up and remind you that YOU are to raise the love vibration inside of you more fully.
Define your worth, define yourself and remember that you are a Divine Being.
If you are lagging behind with old false belief patterns with underwhelming labels about yourself, then you ATTRACT the same old; same old.
This week, your Blessed Mother Divine is smiling warmly upon you and hugging you close to her Bosom and reminding you just how Beautiful you are!
The closer you are to the Divine within you, the closer you are to the Inner Beauty, abundance, joy and success you seek. Your world will only reflect that which you BELIEVE.
The acceleration of Truth and Light upon this planet is moving at Super-Cosmic-Speed! To get into that STREAM, WAVE and Higher OCTAVE, you must MEET the Cosmic shifts for the best benefit!
The above statement should be read about 3x…. lest you forget!
The “Repulsion” aspect of this Law is vital to the advancement. You may be wanting and passionately demanding a certain experience and material attainment in your life only to find that it is not happening. Did you check in with the Universe? Perhaps the reason is Divinely ordained. Remember the EYES of the Divine can see further down your road. Any missteps are being shown to you and redirecting you.
There is always something better for you when a door closes on you. Maintain and advance into your own higher inner attainments of MIND, LOVE and WILL and you will be ahead of the entrapments of the past, lower and older paradigm. See through your Higher “EYE” and MIND.
This is a very, very good week to station yourself in your “Inner Office” of your Sacred Temple, and work WITH the Cosmic on your Soul expression. The Divine will guide you in all aspects of your Life…so step up.
In the quiet of that still point and the interactions with the various stations of Mind intersections, you will find a SPARK. This enlightenment; these epiphanies, will lift your Spirit and inside you will FEEL very good. “Feeling” is one of the attributes that defines the influence of the Cancer Constellation, and one aspect of ourselves that we often overlook and ignore.
You want to feel good, right? So rather than burying those feelings and suppressing them, reach in and find out what it is that you are yearning for! Engaging with the Divine Mother for Her nurturing care, listening attentively to the Divine Father for that deeper Wisdom, and direction, together makes for a very productive and uplifting week ahead!
To summarize, let’s take a deep breath now…step up and know that you are not STUCK in a deflation of heart and soul. You just need direction. The greatest gifts are yours to have…and you will start to shift this week to be OPEN to RECEIVE!
Time to Lift up! Do your meditations and give yourself space to create your story! That time spent immersed in the Blessings of the Cosmic during meditation will be worth it!
Enjoy the week ahead!
Your article captures this week perfectly. This is beyond accelerated truth coming from our personal selves, supported by the Universe, by Divine. I am beyond words, and keep being guided and initiated from within to take action in this newer, updated, aligned reality.
Just wow. Building in motion, the process so seamless, and tearing out all old debris that no longer serve, and once did.
Thank you Lauren! You are in harmony with the Energy Shifts !!!